1st Trimester

breaking news to parents

So...my bf and I just recently found out we are pregnant..about 6 weeks now! We are very excited...however, even though I am in my 30s, my parents are VERY conservative and I am their only child and they still kind of treat me like a child (love them dearly...but it can be overwhelming). Any suggestions on how to softly break the news to them? I know once they have time to process it, they will be happy about having a grandchild, but the initial announcement may be tough (for us and them!) What do you guys think?


Re: breaking news to parents

  • I am having the same thoughts about how we are going to tell my SO parents!! Sorry I'm no help! =) My parents I have no concern about. My mom asks me when I'm having kids every time I see her. His parents...ehh I'm kinda nervous.
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I just had a similar situation. My best advice is to just dive it.. It's like ripping a band aid off ;) our parents got over the shock with in the week and are excited now! GL. 
    Lilypie Maternity tickers
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  • I would just sit them down and have an open conversation with them. It will probably be tough. Maybe wait until after your first ultrasound? Congrats! 
  • I had a similar concern with my grandmother.  She was pretty upset when I got married... like she was loosing me or something, we are very close.  I didn't think she would be happy I was pregnant.  I didn't do anything cute or shocking, just told her and she was thrilled.  I was shocked!  Now she is absolutely crazy for DD.  Hopefully it goes better than you're thinking.  GL!
    DD #1 Eva- April 2011
    DD #2 Violet- October 2013
    DD#3 Due New Year's Eve 2016

  • thanks to all! think we are going to wait until AT LEAST after my 1st apmt which is on the 26th...but we may want longer just to be sure all is well with the pregnancy before springing it on them. 

    again, thanks for the replies! 

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