Does your kid say this when referring to objects? Especially random shiz that is not even interesting. Like my H's wireless mouse, etc.
Sometimes toys when playing with friends.
I am not sure if I should ignore or correct.
(It's seriously driving me cray cray. Very slowly and painfully).
Re: "Mine"/"Mines"
It's what I refer to as the Nemo phase. It shall pass.
Aw, thanks, doll.
I wish I could see your pic, but it helps all the same.
I know some adults that say "mines".
"Is that your coat over there, or is it mines?"
I just want to correct them all the time. So frustrating.
Same here! I thought it was a regional problem, but I guess not. It's one of my biggest language pet peeves.
I also know someone that says "you was" all the time instead of "you were". And this person is a teacher.
It makes my skin crawl. I totally bring it up when my students say stuff like that. Not acceptable.
Wow. That's almost as bad as "I seen a ___".
"I seen" makes me seriously side eye.
That sounds hilarious (because it's not me).