BFN....I shouldn't have tested I am totally bummed. I know it's still early and I said I wouldn't do this to myself again. I had to sneak to pee bc DH is worried about me and the low depression I got into last time.
I did test the trigger out a couple of days ago and this was a firm negative. I feel like I am going to be one of those women who just has one child. I really believe it in my heart.
TTC#1: 14 months on our own (did HSG, b/w, SA);
BFP on Cycle 14--TWINS! Identical twin boys stillborn at 19wks(1/9/10)
3 break cycles; took clomid 50mg, BFP #2 Beta #1 35, Beta #2 338!!! Owen was born 2/11/11!
TTC#2: 4 cycles on clomid: BFNs
BFP #3: Cycle #5 100mg clomid; beta #1 21; beta #2 6=CP
Cycle #6 break cycle TTC no meds=BFN
Cycle #7: 150 clomid+ovidril+IUI=BFN (switched to RE)
Cycle #8: follistem+ovidril+TI=BFN
Cycle #9 Forced break due to cyst
Cycle #10 follistem+ovidril+TI=BFN
Cycle #11 follistem+ovidril+TI=BFN
Cycle#12 Forced break due to cyst, went on BCP; did repeat HSG, Saline U/S
Cycle #13 IVF: Follistim/Menapur ER 11-30 11 eggs, 5 mature, 4 fertilized and 3dt on 12-3; BFN
Cycle #14: IVF#2 lupron/follistim/menopur ER 1-22, 19 eggs, 14 fertilized, 5dt on 1-27, BFP!! beta 1: 63, beta 2: 119; EDD 10-15-13; 1 frozen embieMiracle Surprise BFP, EDD 10-1-15; saw HB great Betas, 11weeks lost baby MC at home
Moved forward with FET transfered solo frostie on 6-4-15, beta 1: 315, beta 2: 738, u/s showed one baby on track EDD 2-21-16
Re: POAS 5dp5dt
Oh, sweetie, I'm so sorry. I take full responsibility for sending "POAS today" vibes your way, because I wanted to know.
I totally wouldn't stress out too badly just yet. I didn't see mine that early, and plenty of people take another couple days. I am not willing to believe this cycle didn't work, I'm just not.
I know it's easier said than done, but please don't let this get you down today. At least you can be certain that two lines is a BFP at this point. You're definitely not out until the beta sings, but most definitely not out yet, in my mind.
Since my vibes clearly work (got you to test, didn't I), I'm sending hugs and happy, cheerful vibes for the rest of the day.
Well, at least I made you smile just now, didn't I? That's a start!
IVF #1: 9/11: ER: 12R, 11M, 10F, No Frosties; 5dt: 2 blasts, 1 morula; DD born 6/3/12
IVF #2: 11/12-12/12: ER: 20R, 20M, 16F, 4 Frosties; 5dt: 3 blasts, DS born 8/9/13
I also would think it's too early and that all hope is not lost yet but I also know the roller coaster of emotions. Try and hang in there until you know for sure. MUCH easier said than done, I know. Thinking of you!
BFP 1/21/13, blighted ovum m/c 2/12/13
BFP 1/21/13, blighted ovum m/c 2/12/13
I'm so sorry Hun. Please don't loose hope it is really early. Remember (like they like to post on TTGP):
HPT accuracy DPO
DON?T TEST EARLY!!!! Unfortunately I just don't think us 2IFers have those early detection kind of odds.
I'm with Nawlinsgrl and truly believe this is your cycle. ((HUGS)) Hang in there.
First Time: DD born 3/2011 after trying for two years, LAP, and two IUIs w/ Femera + Ovidrel
This Time: 4/12 Femera IUI #1 BFN, 5/12 Femera + TI BFN, 6/12 Femera + IUI #2 BFN, 7/12 Femera + IUI #3 BFN, 8/12 Follistim IUI #4 BFN
IVF #1: ER 11/5/12 : 17 eggs retrieved/6 fertilized, ET 11/10/12 : 5dt of 2 embies/0 frosties BFN
IVF #2: ER 1/28/13 : 12 eggs retrieved/9 fertilized, ET 2/2/13 : 5dt of 2 embies/0 frosties BFN
IVF #3: ER 4/15/13 : 13 eggs retrieved/7 fertilized, ET 4/18/13 : 3dt of 3 embies/0 frosties BFN
Laparoscopy 5/24/13 : Stage 2 Endo, Scaring, and Both tubes Blocked but successfully Opened
IVF #4 (Clinical Trial): ER 7/22/13 : 15 eggs/8 fertilized, ET 7/25/13 : 3dt of 3 embies/0 frosties BFN
IVF #5: ER 11/4/13 : 13 eggs/12 fertilized, ET 11/9/13 : 5dt of 2 embies/0 frosties BFP!!! Beta 11/20/13 = 447 1 Beautiful Baby! EDD: July 28, 2014
I have been MIA for a few days. Your post made me tear up as I have the same feelings right now about only being meant to have one child.
It is still early. I am hoping and praying that you get your BFP. I am around if you need to anything.
Pregnant with Letrazole (Femara) on the first cycle with DD after TTC 2+ years
TTC#2 with Letrazole (Femara) since January 2012
BFP 06.29.12 EDD 03.11.13 natural m/c 07.13.12
BFP 09.22.12 EDD 05.31.13 natural m/c 10.07.12
CP 11.09.12
BFP 01.01.13 EDD 09.15.13 d&c 01.24.13
BFP 03.26.13 EDD 12.04.13
<a href="" title="Pregnancy"><img src="" alt=" Pregnancy Ticker" border="0" /></a>
Thanks my women for all the responses! Y'all are truly wonderful. I know I shouldn't test bc it really brings me down. I think I am going to try and hold out till Monday as we have a bday party on Sunday that I don't want to be in a bad mood for.
I do feel much better after reading those numbers and all the quirky responses!!!
BFP on Cycle 14--TWINS! Identical twin boys stillborn at 19wks(1/9/10)
3 break cycles; took clomid 50mg, BFP #2 Beta #1 35, Beta #2 338!!! Owen was born 2/11/11!
TTC#2: 4 cycles on clomid: BFNs
BFP #3: Cycle #5 100mg clomid; beta #1 21; beta #2 6=CP
Cycle #6 break cycle TTC no meds=BFN
Cycle #7: 150 clomid+ovidril+IUI=BFN (switched to RE)
Cycle #8: follistem+ovidril+TI=BFN
Cycle #9 Forced break due to cyst
Cycle #10 follistem+ovidril+TI=BFN
Cycle #11 follistem+ovidril+TI=BFN
Cycle#12 Forced break due to cyst, went on BCP; did repeat HSG, Saline U/S
Cycle #13 IVF: Follistim/Menapur ER 11-30 11 eggs, 5 mature, 4 fertilized and 3dt on 12-3; BFN
Cycle #14: IVF#2 lupron/follistim/menopur ER 1-22, 19 eggs, 14 fertilized, 5dt on 1-27, BFP!! beta 1: 63, beta 2: 119; EDD 10-15-13; 1 frozen embie
I think you are way to early to give up yet.
That would be like the equivalent of 10 dpo, and that's still early to POAS.
Do not quit, you're definitely not out. Keep thinking PUPO!
BFP #1 1/2010, M/C 6 weeks
BFP #2 6/2010, DD lost to congenital heart disease, we are heartbroken.
TTC #2 4/2011, diagnosed MTHFR, FVL
Four natural cycles BFN; Clomid IUI BFN; Follistim IUI BFN;
1/2012 IVF #1 BFN
4/2012 FET BFP #3
5/2012 7w1d u/s: anembryonic demise; M/C @ 8w.
6/2012 found Stage II/III endo on laparoscopy, removed w/ laser.
8/2012 IVF #2 epic fail: no viable embryos.
Vacation, break, second opinions, on to new RE.
1/2013 Surprise chemical pregnancy BFP #4 (break cycle), IVF #3 postponed.
2/2013 TI w/ hormonal support, prednisone, aspirin, Lovenox, acupuncture gave us a miracle BFP #5!
Heartbeat on U/S at 6w1d! Baby,please stay!!