DD got diagnosed with EM or Erythema Multiforme, which is a skin disorder. A few other moms here said their LOs had it too. She has a very mild version that looks just like hives but lasts longer. She started getting it again yesterday. It was barely there on one leg. Today it's all over her face too.
She has an 18 month checkup Thurs so I am planning on waiting to take her in. Plus, last time they said just keep giving Benedryl. What I can't remember is should I keep her home? She's not contagious, right? The cause is unknown. We thought it might have been penicillin, but this time she wasn't taking any.
We signed up for a Mother Goose story time this morning and we were assigned to bring one of the snacks. I would feel bad to not show up. Plus, she loved it last week. I guess I should call the nurse.
Just said good bye Sept. 19th (MMC at 12 weeks)
Re: EM questions
FWIW, I do not have a baby with EM. I am basing this off patients I have with the condition.
Thanks! The Benedryl helped a lot.