so all those contractions ive been having this weekend has caused some progression! I just lost my mucus plug!! Woohoo! So fingers crossed i continue and have a baby in my arms in the next few days!
I lost my plug this weekend. I am keeping my fingers crossed that I will be dialated a bit more at my 39 week apt tomorrow. Last Tues I was between 1-2.
Mom to Ava 12.21.04 and Austin 10.22.06
BFP 12/5/11...natural m/c 12/23/11
Re: prodromal labor not a complete waste..!
Mom to Ava 12.21.04 and Austin 10.22.06
BFP 12/5/11...natural m/c 12/23/11
TTC since June 2009
BFP #1 2/22/10 M/C 6w2d
BFP #2 October 2010 CP
BFP #3 1/11/11 M/C 8w5d
IUI #1 Aug 2011= BFN
IUI #2= BFP #4 9/18/11 missed M/C, D&C 10/18/11
IUIs #3&4 = BFN
IVF #1 May 2012 = BFP! Twins!!
Fraternal twins born Feb. 2013