February 2013 Moms

What else are growth ultrasounds good for?

I went in to L&D yesterday for a NST which looked good, but my MW wanted an ultrasound so now I am going for one of those.  She mentioned, however, in the past how notoriously inaccurate those are when it comes to the baby's size, which I knew from reading your posts.  What else would she be looking for though?
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Re: What else are growth ultrasounds good for?

  • They also measure my amniotic fluid when they do mine.
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  • When I had a growth ultrasound at 31 weeks, it was because my fundal height was measuring behind, and the doctor wanted to make sure the baby was developing normally.  So it wasn't so much a matter of checking on the baby's size (especially since I was such a tiny newborn - 6 lbs even, born at 39w2d, so odds are women in my family just make small babies), just making sure there wasn't some sort of abnormality that was causing me to measure behind. 

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  • My MFM measures all the fluids and checks the organs to make sure nothing has changed, look for any cysts... stuff that can develop later basically.

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  • along with the AFL, they check the cervix, as well as the placenta for breakdown. My OB said that they usually don't go with the newer numbers of how far along you are based on growth since not all babies grow at the same rate in the later part of pregnancy, but they do check on the growth of the babies internal organs to make sure they are developing at the proper stages.
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  • My frequent growth scans with the high risk Dr. were actually right on with her weight estimates. They also checked cord blood flow, placenta, and afi at every scan. When I had bpp's they would look at her movement and her practice breathing too.
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  • My OB checks placenta and lung functioning with the growth scan.
  • imageambernjj:
    They also measure my amniotic fluid when they do mine.




  • Amniotic fluid, positioning - my OB was also looking at placement and size of my fibroids and placenta (to see if versioning was an option - because my LO is frank breeched)
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  • I had my bi-weekly check up (36 weeks) just this past Friday. I typically have been spot on with my height, until now. I guess I grew by about 2 cm. which my MW decided she wanted to go ahead and do a sono. She said they will strictly look at circumference of the head and other parts of the body, versus basing it on the weight of the baby. I am not too worried, I am actually happy to see the baby one last time before she is born. 
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