I went in to L&D yesterday for a NST which looked good, but my MW wanted an ultrasound so now I am going for one of those. She mentioned, however, in the past how notoriously inaccurate those are when it comes to the baby's size, which I knew from reading your posts. What else would she be looking for though?
Re: What else are growth ultrasounds good for?
D14 December siggy Free for all
DD born 12/07/04
DS1 born 11/07/06
Angel baby Addy 12/03/11 due to MTHFR
DS2 born 01/29/13
DS3 due 12/26/14
DX: 6/9/2011: Azoo ICSI/IVF only option for biological child
IVF #1: ER - 9/26 * ET - 10/1 * beta#1 10/13 - 140 * beta#2 10/17 - 477 * beta#3 10/20 - 1101
1st u/s at 6w6d - one hb * 2nd u/s at 8w3d - no hb detected 11/10/11 * natural m/c 11/13/11
FET #1 Jan/Feb 2012 - 3 delays - cancelled 2/13
FET #1.2 - May/June 2012 - ET 6/6/* beta#1 6/15 - 95 * beta #2 6/19 - 322 * beta #3 6/22 - 940
7/6 1st u/s @ 7 weeks - one beautiful hb - released from RE
EDD 2/22/2013