February 2013 Moms

Dumb question.

Ok so I feel stupid for even asking, I guess I just want to see if this has happened to anyone else.
I had a feeling like I had to pee about an hour ago, when I did I couldn't stop leaking. I finally went back to bed after soaking thru about 4 handfuls of toilet paper, sorry if TMI.
I'm going to call my OB when they open, but I'm a little nervous they will send me to labor and delivery, just to say it was pee lol. I know better safe then sorry but still it will be my 3rd false alarm.
Any advice?

Re: Dumb question.

  • They probably will send you to LD but it really sounds like your water to me. The fact that it keeps coming makes me think that. My water broke with DS1 as I was on the toilet peeing and it just kept coming. Good luck!
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  • Thanks ladies this helped a lot.
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  • I agree, it very much sounds like your water broke.  And if it is just pee,a lot of people make that mistake.
  • imageholly321:
    I agree, it very much sounds like your water broke.  And if it is just pee,a lot of people make that mistake.


    I just did !  On Friday!  I felt stupid, but my doctor and nurse told me over and over that many moms make this mistake :)

  • Well I'm off to labor and delivery to be checked, fingers crossed
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