It was a long (and frustrating) process. After being on, and off, and back on pitocin since Friday, getting a foley bulb that really didn't do anything for us, and having a nurse who said it "didn't look good" for birth happening on Sunday morning, M and D got a little brother for their birthday present!
At 11:30 am they broke my water and attached a scalp electrode so they could monitor him. I was still at 1 cm. By 4:30 we were at 10! One hour of being at 10 cm, I finally felt ready to push (and was a little frustrated with the doc for taking 2 minutes to get into the room, haha). Fifteen minutes and 3 pushes later, Gideon Jack was born at 5:45 pm, the same day his twin brothers turned 2.
I had wanted my in-laws to bring the boys to come meet their brother (and so I could get to see them on their birthday) but they were tired. M and D's bedtime is 7, so there wasn't really a lot of time for them to get here.
So far, I am amazed at how my little Goose is doing. He took right to the breast, slept about 3.5 hours, sleepily made it through another feeding, and has been sleeping for another 2.5 hours. I'd had a hard time bonding immediately with M and D, I think because I was never able to focus on just one of them. But I am truly shocked with how enamored I am with this little man already.
Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers. We're a very blessed family!
Re: XP: The best birthday present ever
I am so happy for you, I could not imagine how much of an ordeal this whole process has had to be for you. And it is so sweet they all share a birthday!
Married: 05/14/2011
DS Was Born: 02/10/2013
EDD: 10/19/2015
Congratulations! Great to hear he's nursing well!