February 2013 Moms

Ouch! Ribs...

The right side of my ribs, between my boobs and belly, has been so achy for the past few weeks. It takes forever to find a good sleeping position, and moving is painful. Once I find a good position I am generally comfortable...until I move. It is so annoying. I have my 37 week appt. on Wednesday and I am definitely asking what I can do for some relief!

Re: Ouch! Ribs...

  • I've had this since December.  It can just be your ribs expanding.  Worst case scenario it's your gallbladder.  I guess pregnant women can have gallbladder problem even if they never had them before.  The biggest tip off it's your gallbladder is if it starts hurting shortly after you eat.  

    The only things that have helped me have been a heating pad, Tylenol, a warm shower and getting DH to rub the achy part.  It helps provide temporary relief, but it usually comes back : (  

  • That's the same spot I've been having pains too. At first it was hard to even breathe and I had to lay on my right side to breathe right. Now it has become like a tingle or numbness that wont go away. I did ask my OB and was told it's just baby's positioning and must have somewhat hit a nerve in me. Just like it was the top end of sciatic nerve pain I guess.
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  • That sounds like what I've got, as well. I called a few days ago to ask what I can do for relief and my MW told me to try Tylenol, a heating pad on my back (because the pain sometimes seems to shoot straight through to my back) and to try to "tickle" LO to get her to move because it's most likely her position, probably on a nerve.  I tried getting her to move and all she did was kick lol Good luck, it definitely sucks, but the end is near!
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