Had my appt on friday and they put me on the monitor because I have been sick for the last few weeks and LO was very sluggish but my MW said it might just be because I am sick. She told me to keep a close eye on movement and call if I am concerned at all. Well today I haven't felt a thing even after juice and lying on my side. I'm thinking about calling but since the office is closed I imagine they will send me to LD, right? Has anyone ever gone to low movement, what do they do?
Re: Thinking about heading to LD
Yes. It's called a Non Stress Test. It monitors the baby's movements and the heart rate changes that accompany them. Basically, they want to see the heart rate rise when the baby moves.
I went into LD after falling down the stairs a few months back and experiencing zero movement. They had me get into a gown, hooked up to the monitors and do an NST for about 30 minutes. For me the baby was being stubborn and started moving the minute we got there. It was very reassuring in the end. Hopefully you'll have the same experience.
i went in on Friday for decreased movement. I called my OB office and they had me go to L & D. They hooked me up to monitors for about an hour (one for baby's heart rate and I think the other one was looking at if I was having any contrax. Then they did a biophysical profile (BPP) which is just a fancy name for the u/s they did where baby had to make a certain number of a certain type of movements and they had to see practice movements, all within a30 min timeframe. I called at 1:30 after having felt only 3 movements all day up to that point. Baby was super quiet all day but everything was just great! Hope this helps...good luck!! I'm sure everything is fine but calling is a good idea.
I went in once for decreased movement, and they did a NST for me too. All was well. She had just moved into a position where I couldn't feel her as much: head down, and with the placement of my high, right-sided anterior placenta, her kicks were hard to feel.
If you want to try to avoid the trip to L&D, turn your cell phone ringer all the way up and put the speaker against your belly while making it ring and vibrate. My doctor has a machine that does this (like a tiny vibrating air horn), and it gets baby moving every time. Anyway, I'd try that first, and then call if I wasn't satisfied with the results.
But there is nothing wrong with calling now, either way.