Well we had the foley bulb taken out at 1 am. They then did an internal and I'm ... 1 cm dilated. What a crushing blow. The nurse did say that I was a lot softer, so I don't know if that means thinner or not. It's now 5 am and I'm back on pitocin.
I'm just so frustrated. It really feels like this labor is going absolutely nowhere. And I'm starting to worry. DH has been in an apprenticeship program at his work for the past year. In order to pass, he must complete 40 hours of specialized training ... that they are only offering this week. DH has said that if LO isn't here by tomorrow, he's not going to work because he doesn't want to miss the birth. Don't get me wrong, I want (and need) him here with me when I deliver, but I am so afraid that this whole last year will have been for nothing and they'll tell him he can't complete the program because he didn't get enough hours of training.
Today is also my twins' birthday. I haven't seen them since Friday morning. They're only two, so they won't remember (or even care/know that it's their birthday and we aren't there) but I'm upset that I can't see them on their special day. I can't have cake with them and celebrate and give them their birthday present. We rescheduled their party to next Sunday, but I just want to snuggle my boys on their actual birthday.
Trying so hard not to stress and just let it happen. For those of you who pray, please do so for us. I know God is in control, but I'm so nervous about DH and his work. TIA.
Re: XP: Update - Still waiting...
You must be so frustrated...
T&P your way! Hope to hear soon about some progress, even a delivery!
Good luck!
progressing for you! TPs!
I know how not progressing feels from my last one. They gave me pitocin and it actually made me slow progression, but everyone is different. Good luck. Keep walking if you can it helps