I can't seem to find much information on this so I was hoping to get a little info from you ladies.
I just read Asher's story from ellephunt, and now I'm a little (paranoid) worried that I may be leaking amniotic fluid, and have been for quite some time.
How do you know for sure? Let's say that you do get a small tear in your amniotic sac... what if you don't go into L&D? I think I heard somewhere that it can fix itself, that it can heal and seal itself back up. What would be the dangers of this?
I don't have an appt until Wednesday but I will have them check then. I don't want to rush to L&D for something that's been going on for so long. But at the same time, I am a bit worried. Thoughts?
Re: Question about Amniotic Sac Tear
He said it will pool while laying down and even a small leak will cause pooling.
06/12 - BFP!!!!
Beta #1 15dpo - 256
Beta #2 18dpo - 1097
6wk U/S on 07/02 ~ TWINS!!!
EDD 02/21/13
09/10/12 Found out it's two Boys!!!! Sam and Jake
Jacob and Samuel born 1/29/13 at 36 weeks.
I have had this happen many, many times this pregnancy. Basically, I just stopped going to L&D each time it happened because it was occurring every 2 weeks. It feels kind of like pee coming out, and sometimes I could even hold it until I made it to the bathroom. I finally had to cover my urethra, stand in the bathtub and squeeze to see if fluid came out. Sure enough, it still did. My fluid also smelled musty and had white flecks of vernix in it.
I did test positive for amniotic fluid, but they did not induce because the fluid had stopped leaking. My tear was very high up and when it's an on again, off again leak, the tear usually occurs in the outer chorion of the amniotic sac. When the tear is small, the outer chorion and inner amnion can slide back and forth over each other, temporarily sealing the tear.
Finally, I got so tired of going to L&D, I just sat and waited 24 hours. They usually want you admitted by 24 hours after a rupture unless GBS+, so I figured if I was still leaking I would go in. It always stopped before those 24 hours were up. I just brought it up at my next OB appointment and she did a spec exam, which has been negative. It's been very frustrating to deal with since this has been going on with me since around 17 weeks. Luckily, the fluid has always replenished itself overnight and I haven't had any complications due to those leaks.
Thank you for this. I didn't realize it would still pool even with a small leak/tear. If this is true, then I guess I'm not leaking amniotic fluid, since every night when I wake up to use the bathroom I'd be leaking the pooled fluid, and I'm not. Really put my mind at ease!
Yikes, that would drive me crazy, not knowing for sure if my water broke fully or if it's still just from a tear! And it's been going on since week 17?? Holy moly. You're one tough mama! It is nice to know that small tears can repair themselves and that it's not always a life-or-death situation to have a tear, so thank you for sharing this. I'm GBS negative, so that also helps to put my mind at ease a little too.
I had a ruptured amniotic sac at 31 weeks and 4 days. I noticed that for 3 mornings my underwear was wet when I woke up. I called my OB and they did want to see me to check it out. I did not test positive for amniotic fluid but I was 1cm dilated so they sent me to L&D just to be checked. By the time I got there a few hours later, I was testing positive for amniotic fluid and they were putting my on bed rest at the hospital until 35 weeks. The very next day in the hospital my water broke and I went into labor and they could not stop it. You do replenish your amniotic fluid however if your water does break labor can happen very fast if you already have a rupture.
My advice would be to get it checked out by your OB. It is better to be safe then go into labor at work or home in my opinion.
Good Luck!