February 2013 Moms

Ugh! terrible night - cramps, diarrhea, nausea & contactions

So yesterday I prolly did too much and was up and down ladders cleaning like a mad woman.

Then at 3am the cramps started, with diarrhea and nausea. And then  on top of that the contractions. and that went on till 11am this morn when my tummy finally settled, but the contractions were still there. No pattern to them - about 5 to 6 an hr.

So it?s now 7pm here and  am still nauseous, still having pretty heavy BH with the contractions thrown in to the mix, and some wicked back and hip pain. Delilah is moving around like crazy and I?m just waiting to see if anything comes of all this.

Hubby did pack the hospital bags tho, so if we need to we can head off. I?ve got a feeling this is just gonna carry on for a few days at least tho.

I?ve not called my DR as the intensity of the contrax are varied and  without any pattern.

I?m dreading tonight tho Sad

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Re: Ugh! terrible night - cramps, diarrhea, nausea & contactions

  • That sounds really horrible, I'm so sorry you have to go through that!  I really hope they either stop and you can get some much-needed rest, or you progress into true labor and get the show on the road!  Try to relax as much as possible, even if you're unable to sleep.  Have you tried Tylenol?  Maybe take a bath if you can't sleep again tonight.  Just hang in there mama!
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers image image
  • Yuck :(. I'm sorry you had such a terrible night! I hope you're feeling better and that things have calmed down now!



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  • With this little one my labor started with an upset stomach and verity sporadic contractions. Good luck to you!
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  • Same here. Contractions happen for 3 hours at time then subside then a few hours later they flare again
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