For the first time in my life I finished an entire Chipotle burrito in one sitting (I used to split it into 2 or even 3), then came home and ate a cookie with ice cream on top. All of this was in the past 2 hours and I swear I'm hungry again. This can't go on! 40 lbs is staring me in the face and I'm not even 5'2". Getting up the stairs feels like carrying an elephant.
I really need to fast forward two weeks, have this baby, and be too busy to eat. This can't continue! (And yes, I know BFing will make me hungry, too, but at least then the baby will be taking some calories out of me!)
Ack! Help! I'm off to the kitchen to find something healthy like an orange to calm this raging hunger beast.
Re: This baby is too hungry!
Chipotle, yummy that sounds sooo good!!
Congrats to both my TTC buddies, Amberley18 and sb2006 on their beautiful babies!
That was me the other day, and man I was getting some serious looks from family members. Thankfully my pregnancy has not packed on the weight despite these really big eating days. Hope your next snack is good to!! I shall live vicariously, im still waiting on breakfast lol
This describes me exactly. At this point though I just don't care anymore.
ETA: MW told me baby is growing fast enough on his own... I don't need to help him. Haha.