February 2013 Moms

So nice not to have to worry about contractions anymore!

I was worrying about contractions because I wasn't sure if I should be concerned about PTL or if I needed to count BH to determine when to call my Dr. or if I needed to sit on the couch and get them to stop, but yesterday my MW told me not to worry about contractions anymore.  She said not even to time them until I have to sit down and work through them.  I have a lot of painful contractions so it has been stressing me out, but now that I know I don't need to count them or worry about them, it really helps me relax and they actually go away!  Don't get me wrong, LO needs to stay put for a few more weeks, but at least I can ignore the contractions until they are really progressing and obvious!
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Re: So nice not to have to worry about contractions anymore!

  • I've had trouble with frequent BH since week 25ish, so when I heard the same at my 36w appointment I was over the moon, too!!! Isn't it nice? Though truth be told, I only managed to relax this week. It took me a week and a half or so to stop paying close attention to my contractions. I had just been in the habit! I was finally able to relax and just do whatever I want (we're packing the house, moving, cleaning etc) and not have to rest because contractions pick up. Man, it's nice :) 

    Archer Liam - 2/6/13
    Freya Lillian - 11/15/15
  • Yup - me too.

    I?m only going to start to worry when I?m having difficulty getting thru them. At the moment I can just about manage to hobble about, but am not straying far from a chair cz some of them make me feel faint and are stronger than others.

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