February 2013 Moms

After LD Visit early this morning Im in "Prodromal Labor"!

Anyone else experience this? Im having contractions but no dilation or effacement. A little frustrated as these contractions are very uncomfortable.


Re: After LD Visit early this morning Im in "Prodromal Labor"!

  • I was in prod roman labor with dd for a month.  It was frustrating.  I have been with this one for about 2 weeks now.
  • Yes this has been happening to me for about 2 weeks.  I am 1cm and 80% effaced, and have been for a week and a half.....constant contractions, some painful, some not, but none of them are "productive".  I am now on bedrest due to a few other issues though and since I've been sitting/lying down more they have lessened....
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  • I'm with you.  3 weeks ago I was 2cm and 50% effaced; 4 days later 4cm 60% effaced and now for the last 2 1/2 weeks... NOTHING has changed except tons of painful contractions to psych me out.  So frustrating!
    BabyFruit Ticker BabyName Ticker Grow baby, grow! Positive HPT 5-31-12 History of Blighted Ovum with D&C on 2/10/12
  • Yup- I've been 1cm for the past 3 weeks now and having painful cramping/contractions and low back pain since I had my bloody show last Friday (1-18-13).  So frustrated at this point (39weeks today)- so uncomfortable and ready to be DONE! I'm ready to meet this little guy!!!! I guess he hasn't gotten the memo yet...grrrrr. 

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