Ok 37 weeks and 3 days. I've had my uterus harden like a contraction since about 5pm last night and occassionally there's pain associated with it occasionally not. I was only able to get about 7-ish hours of sleep waking up every 2 hours due to pain. Almost 2 weeks ago I was dialated to 3 cm and about 50 percent effaced but since this is my first, I'm told that doesn't mean anything. Has anyone else ever had labor contractions that didn't cause pain? I mean is that even possible?
Re: Anyone else had this? Any suggestions?
All of this. It wakes me up at night sometimes too.
This is me too. It happens almost every night now.
This. I called my dr about them yesterday bc they were like exactly 6 minutes apart but she told me "if you were in labor you would know it" she said drink water and rest/ lay down to see if they go away
June 2010-April 2012: Lots of trying, chlomid, gonal-f, with triggers, without, IUI's and tons of BFNs
May2012: Letrozole + IUI = BFP!!!! Due 2/10/13