February 2013 Moms

Just a little frustrating

I'm 38 weeks, 3 days, and had an internal exam this morning...1 cm along. Really?! I know it's really no indicator of when DS is coming, but I really thought with all the Braxton Hicks I've been having that I'd be further along than that. Just a little frustrating.
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Re: Just a little frustrating

  • That's what I was at 38 weeks... and then again at 39 weeks. I'm just hoping I'm one of those people that it'll happenquickly ffor during labor!


    BabyFetus Ticker
  • With DD#1 I was induced at 38wks2days.  I was only 1cm when they placed the cervadil.  Maybe two at 6am when they started the pitocin.  She was born by 6pm.  All that to say that when your body goes in to labor, however it may be, even if you're only 1cm it doesn't mean it will take years for the babe to come out.  I didn't feel the contractions for the first 2 or 3 hours on the pitocin.
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  • Hey, at least you're that 1 cm!  At my appt earlier this week (38w appt), I was closed.  Completely closed.  They did say baby is head down, but that could change at any moment.  Hang in there! 
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers image image
  • I was so frustrated because I stay 2.5 from 36-37 weeks.  2 days before I was checked, I was pretty certain that I was in labor, my contractions were painful and waking me up!  My ob tried to console me that I went from 50 to 75% effaced, but it didn't help.
  • I was 0cm dilated the day before my water broke with DD. I did end up needing pitocin because I never started contracting but it was still a quick and easy labor all things considered!
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