Hi everyone, if you are like me and are trying to sell old Baby/kids items on craigslist you get more spam then intrest on your items. My Husband and I started a Classifieds for Kansas City only for just Baby/Kids items. the site is https://www.handmedownskc.com It is free to use we are trying to spread the word and already have over 150 items posted. You dont get the spam like craigslist besause it is a local site that spammers dont know about. Check us out and let me know your feedback. Also like us on facebook if you like the idea and share with friends. Lets help make selling our items a better experience!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HandMeDownsKc
Twitter: https://twitter.com/handmedownskc , we tweet out most items posted!
Re: Kansas City Baby/Kids Items Classifieds