Cloth Diapering

Trim AIO??

Is there such a thing?  If so which  ones your favorite.  I put a grovia (o/s) on her the other day and it seemed so large. I also have a swaddlebees, but its a new born and she'll be out growing it soon.  I have some BG, but  they just look HUGE right now. I'm afraid she'd be sitting like a frog!!

Shes 1 month. 10lb 8 oz 22.5 in long.  A skinny Minnie! (unless you look at her cheeks!)

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Re: Trim AIO??

  • Are the ones you've been trying sized or one-size? Sized diapers fit much trimmer. Although with a 10 lb baby, everything will tend to look huge.
  • My son was 9lbs 10oz at 4 weeks and his BG Elementals have fit him since he was that size.  They are obviously bulky, but not too bad.  Comparatively, his Tots Bots and Blueberry pockets are too big for him still at almost 8 weeks.  The Tots Bots would seem to fit, but with his skinny waist, the aplix rolls in and rubs his tummy.  The Blueberry pockets are just too wide and big.

    It's not an AIO, but FWIW, my (pocket) Rumparooz fit him really well.  I have one-size Fuzzibunz that look like they fit well too, but I'm having gap issues at the les that are causing leaks.

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  • Before i read your post my suggestion was going to be Grovia AIO's. Lol. Those are our fave trimmest fitting that we have now. Early on, the Itti Bitti Tutto's were a good fit. A tad bulky when snapped down, but cut narrow in the crotch. Maybe that will help.
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    DD1 - july 2008
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  • Like pps have mentioned, sized diapers will give the trimmest fit, especially on such a small baby. 

    The trimmest AIOs in my experience are the sized Swaddlebees Simplex and Bumgenius Elementals. 

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  • Tots Bots Easy Fit - my personal favorite :)
  • My Peachy Green is the trimmest diaper I have.  I think it's technically an ai2 though?  The insert snaps out for washing.  I love it though!  Super trim.  Not os though. 


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