Every night when my house gets quiet and I start to really focus on how uncomfortable I am, I sit on the couch and think about how I want to meet my baby now. I start wishing I would go into labor.
Then it's time for bed and I crawl in and am thankful that I'm not in labor and am going to get another night of undisturbed sleep.
Then I wake up and have a crazy morning with my kids and am thankful there isn't another little person here to take care of too.
But then I get at work and realize I don't want to be here and wish I was at home with a newborn instead.
I can't make up my mind on whether I want to have this baby sooner or later. Anyone with me?
Re: Are there any other wafflers here?
I am right there with you!
On one hand, I'm so excited to meet her, and since this is my first and I don't have any other kids at home to take care of, I'm looking forward to having some time off from both my jobs and just focusing on the baby for awhile instead of having my attention pulled in a million different directions.
But on the other hand, I still feel surprisingly good at 38 1/2 weeks and in a weird way I think I might actually miss being pregnant. And there are little loose ends I really want to make sure I can tie up both at work and at home before she arrives, so having another week or two to prepare doesn't seem like the worst thing in the world!
That's me since the start of this week (I hit 36 wks) and knowing that DH will be in town for this up coming week.
So I have been going okay after Friday I wouldn't mind if baby comes because then DH can be apart of the birth and not just see pictures or hear about it.
But I know it should stay in longer then 37 weeks because those extra 3 weeks can help out a lot, plus you know it gives me some more time to figure out what kinda mom I want to be and ...
But on the other hand I would really like to meet the LO, find out what LO is (team green) and it wouldn't be so bad not feeling like something scratching me where nothing should be scratching >.>
So totally with you!
My blog
Mom to Ava 12.21.04 and Austin 10.22.06
BFP 12/5/11...natural m/c 12/23/11
I count undisturbed as not having any children bother me through the night. I'm still up 2-3 times a night to pee and have hours here and there of insomnia, but at least I can lie there in peace in the bed and not have to sit up to nurse, change a diaper, give a pee-covered kid a bath, or anything like that. I'm just relishing being alone in my bed. We just got DD sleeping through the night a few months ago, so I want to enjoy it for as long as I can.
Two for me was the hardest transition. I think it was much harder to go from giving one child your undivided attention than going from already having it divided to just dividing it a little more. You already know how to juggle the children around if you have two, so what's another one? My biggest word of advice is to get a good baby carrier. It's such a lifesaver for me. I'll be honest, DD napped on my back in the Ergo for at least 3-4 months of her life, because it was just the easiest way to get her to sleep and allow me to focus on the other two kids at the same time. I'm not sure if you breastfeed or not, but just being a human pacifier saves my sanity as well. If the kids are bring crazy, the last thing I want to hear is a fussy baby, so it's easiest to just pop a boob in the baby's mouth and have a little more peace. Creates horrible habits, but it's all about surviving the moment in this house
You'll do fine. I honestly don't think three is much worse than two. You're already a pro if you can handle two!
I am so back and forth about it. Everyone keeps saying things like, I bet you can't wait to have that baby, to which I reply, he is fine where he is. They look at me like I am crazy. But babies are much easier in than out. Plus, I worry so much about the transition for DD. she freaked out yesterday when we put his car seat in the car, and pouted the entire car ride, she just kept pointing over saying baby?
Plus, although I am getting horrible sleep, at least it is sleep, or some quiet time to myself , even if it is at 2 am when I can't fall back to sleep.
Yes and I don't have any kids yet!! I want to meet this baby so much but had a moment yesterday when I was home alone with just my pets (1 dog and 4 cats) and couldn't stop thinking about how precious the quiet time was and how little there was left!
After a nearly 2 year process from us first trying to get preggo until now, I never thought I would feel any type of desire to delay baby's arrival but the closer it gets, sometimes, I wish we had a little more time!
Having said that, I'm pretty sure we'll love life just as much once peanut is here!
Oh, yeah!
I'm really not ready yet and I know it and want the time to prepare, but then I wish baby were here.
And then I'm nervous because I'm a FTM right before I get excited about meeting my baby soon!
Its confusing.
BFP1: DD1 born April 2011 at 34w1d via unplanned c/s due to HELLP, DVT 1 week PP
BFP3: DD2 born Feb 2013 at 38w4d via unplanned RCS due to uterine dehiscence