February 2013 Moms

Breast pump came!

I ordered my breast pump last week from Bryam.  They told me they couldn't place the order until I was within 30 days of my due date ( I was 35 days when I went in) and that they were back ordered.  Well I got am email Wed telling me it had shipped and when I arrived home yesterday it was on the porch!  It is the Medela (PISA) even though it doesn't say PISA.  I couldn't be more happy!

Re: Breast pump came!

  • Thats awesome!!! I got a Medela Freestyle through insurance. I felt like I was getting away with murder!
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickersimage

    Lilypie Maternity tickers image
  • I am so jealous! I am still fighting with my insurance.  They just keep telling me they will cover it "in network" but only have one DME that even has pumps, and that is edgepark and they have a hold on them.  They refuse to cover out of network.  While trying to "help" me they sent me a transcript of the emails two women had made back and forth and it was very obvious they have NO clue what is going on.  Basically stating they went onto online forums and  saw women discussing pump coverage under ACA/obamacare and that is what they are using as the guidline at the moment... WHAT!?
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