February 2013 Moms

I have real work to do...vent

Ugh, this co worker is driving me nuts and today if there wasn't 30 4th graders watching I woul have ripped her face off. I'm a PE teacher in two low income schools, I love my job and put y whole heart into it. I work much longer hours than required and take on every project I can get my hands on. Without tooting my own horn I have been both locally and nationally recognized for my programs. This teacher doesn't "believe" in PE programs and jokes calling me the recess teacher. When I was nominated and voted for teacher of the yea last year she threw a fit because I wasn't a real teacher.

Well today she's at it again, I wrote a grant and was awarded an awesome fiel trip for both my schools. I sent home flyers and have done all the paper work. This morning she says in front of her entire class that she has real work to do and she's not wasting her time with the field trip.

Ugh! The kids would love it, it would be a great opportunity for my students. It incorporates so many different curriculum pieces in reading math science and PE/health. Plus our kids would get to meet pro football players and get to see the behind the scenes of he football stadium.




Re: I have real work to do...vent

  • Don't let her get to you. Shes obviously jealous of your accomplishments. Hold your head high mama. Good job! 
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • What a miserable person! I'm sorry you have to work with her but I am WAY more sorry for her classroom of kids. I hope you find a way to get around her foolishness and take your field trip despite her nasty attitude.
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  • Sounds to me like the green eyed monster. You enjoy the work you do and it shows in all your accomplishments!! Don't let her get to you!
    Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Thanks ladies, I do love my job and am used to getting the reply "a PE teacher, all you you do is play." I don't correct them because that's one of the reasons I love my job, I get to play and connect with my students on a different level. I was just so mad that she said it in front of her students and thinks she is going to take this opportunity from the kids. My boss is awesome though and that won't be happening.




  • Wow.  Even I felt that way, I can't imagine commenting in front of my students.  How rude and b**tchy.  Congratuations on your awards for programs!  I can't imagine feeling that way about our PE teacher.  We actually nominated our PE teacher as teacher of the year this year!  She is awesome with the kids and, I don't know about your district, but all teachers integrate academic type subjects into their classes here.  Not to mention, that even if it's not math or reading, kids are still learning valuable skills in PE.  Your coworker sounds like a real peach.

    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickersLilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers
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