... and if so, does that affect your parenting?
I was - as were ALL of my siblings - and I know it affects me. It's silly that I think about it as often as I do, but I know it shaped my personality. I was made to feel guilty and in the way as a child. I'm doing my best to include DD in everything and always make her feel wanted and loved. I'm just trying to be a deliberate, informed parent and be conscious that my words/actions affect her. It just kills me sometimes to think that if my mom had been more careful, she wouldn't have ANY of her children.
(I know that not all "oops" babies were treated as I was, and this certainly isn't intended to flame anyone, I just always think about this topic as the holidays approach.)
Re: Were you an "accident" ...
I'm so sorry that you were made to feel guilty over something that wasnt your fault. I have a feeling that the way they treated you and your siblings (all of them were oopsies? uhhh....) isnt because you were an accident, but because your parents were insensitive jerks.?
My mom was charting to get pregnant with me and 2 of my siblings. One of my sisters was an oops (condom broke and yes, TMI from my mom!) and the other one was conceived when my dad rescheduled his vasectomy because he had a cold. Ha! And my parents never treated those siblings any differently than the ones they planned out in advance. In fact, I'm fairly certain they dont know they were oopsies.?
I planned both of my kids, but never gave much thought to how I parent them because of it. Sometimes when I'm having a rough day I think "And I signed up for this! GRRRR!" But no, I dont think me being the product of a planned pregnancy has impacted my parenting at all.?
I was a HUGE oopsie. And yes I could feel the stress from my mom.
edited to add I was a 3rd born and my mom said the only planned one was my brother.
I was definitely an accident. My mum was just graduated from grad school and not married. My dad was about to head overseas for his training (hoping she'd marry him and go too). I was born very sick so she stayed and they broke up.
I guess I've known it on some level since I was a teenager, I never thought about it before that at all, honestly.
It doesn't bother me in the slightest. I admire that she didn't dump me in an institution (as the best Drs at the time advised) and that she has worked so hard in her life and largely forgone a lot of her own space, time and career because of not only me but the family structure I led to (she became reliant on her parents for childcare and then became the one to care for them the rest of their lives).
My best friend from high school was a New Year oops baby born exactly 39 weeks after NYE :-) She always thought that was cool, until she was 13 and it was embarrassing to think of one's parents letting loose for NYE lol!
Being loved was never an issue in the house I grew up in. Really I think the only impact on my parenting is that I've realised how important grandparents can be. I am hoping that my mum will retire or go part time in a year or so and spend more time with DS. She never got to with me because she was always working or I was sick in hospital for months. On the one hand she missed out on a lot of the hard work, on the other hand of course she doesn't even know how hard it would have been so she misses having missed it. And it would be easier for a grandparent because you get to give the kid back, so I would like to try to give her back something. ?If she worked 1-2 days a week or had hours ending before 3pm she would like to pick DS up from school and hang out until we're home from work. I think that would be ideal because I don't want to give up my career, my work is never going to be part time, and I don't like the idea of after school care. So being able to come home with gran seems ideal.
Really that's all I take from my situation, not really related to being an accident directly but that was the reason I grew up with SAH grandparents.?
I wasnt but my older sister and younger brother were. My mom got married because she got pg with my sister at 20. When she was about 18months old my mom and dad were ttc and got pg with me. When I was around 9 months old my mom got pg with my brother by accident. (well, you know what I mean, not being careful enough) Then when she told my dad he left. They were divorced a few months after Jarrett was born. My mom wanted to wait until after he was born just to make sure my dad was sure. It could have been done before he was born but she wante to give my dad a chance. (in case he just had cold feet about having 3 kids so early in their marriage.
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Oh, I know you weren't throwing a pity party... I just can't imagine a parent doing that!
Actually, DH and I both were . . . sort of!! He was a typical accident: his sibs are 11 and 13 years older, and one day his mom just realized she was late--very very late, and voila! She was unexpectedly PG with him! They always joked about it while we were growing up, but he was never made to feel badly about it!
I, on the other had, was a DIFFERENT kind of oops! My mom was 34 weeks PG and had just gone out on maternity leave, when her water broke. She went to the hospital, where she surprisingly delivered, not one, but TWO little baby girls! Talk about a shock!!
Linda = )
I was an oops. A prevented one, even!
But it was always just kind of a joke and never had an heavy implications, because I was a welcome oops. I have four older brothers, so I'm just lucky I was a girl!
The quote I always got was "you weren't an accident, you were just a little sooner than planned". My brother is 21 months older than me. I actually don't think it's that close together; I know lots of people who have kids much closer in age, but that's just not exactly what they had planned.
I was never made to feel unwanted or unloved. (Although, my brother always liked to tease me that I was an "accident".)
I was an oops baby, but I was never made to feel bad about it. My parents joke about it, but really they joke that none of their 4 kids were planned.
It hasn't affected the way I raise my son, because it never really affected me. It did, however, make me think that most people just get pregnant and don't really plan it. I just assumed when I was younger that one day I would turn up pregnant. lol
But the older I got, the more I realized it isn't really that way for everyone!
Well, I never really looked at it like I was an "accident". I know I definitely was not planned (I was a honeymoon baby), and I know I've been told my dad was pretty freaked out that my mom was pregnant with me, but my mom said she was thrilled. She told me she had always wanted to have children, and had been told by doctors she could not get pregnant, so I guess in that respect I have felt wanted or accepted by my parents.
yes I was. As a matter of fact, the only one that was planned was my little brother. There are 4 of us. My parents treated us all the same. It was only after we became adults did we find out.
My mom has said that she feels like she should have had one more, but didn't get the chance.
Yea, my parents got drunk and threw away the bcp's. 9.5 months later I was born; I was 2 weeks late. I only found out when I had to talk to both my mom and his mom about their fertility history for the RE's office.
I was not an accident, but an early surprise. My parents always planned on having another child, just not at the time that I came.
It doesnt change how I parent.
my parents only RECENTLY explained the circumstances. I THOUGHT I was an "oops" because my mom kept telling me "I was on birth control"
Turns out she had just gone off and they were going to start trying - so I was just slightly sooner than planned!
FWIW, I was an only child.