Hopefully no one minds me posting this, but I suspect that DC2London is a little busy today. Good luck DC2London 
artroyer 2/1/13 -- Baby GIRL!
ByeByeBooze 2/1/13 -- Baby GIRL!
DC2London 2/1/13 -- Baby BOY!
emmyann52 2/1/13
IVFBeliever 2/1/13
k8elee03 2/1/13 -- Brendan born 1/23/2013
knickerbockers 2/1/13 -- Team GREEN!
MalRiggs 2/1/13 -- Baby GIRL!
mom2rzc 2/1/13 -- Baby BOY!
peppermint=kisses 2/1/13
smiliejc 2/1/13
Sonja52680 2/1/13 -- Baby BOY!
tabby0521 2/1/13
topchef33 2/1/13 -- Baby GIRL!
tvanroek 2/1/13 -- Baby GIRL!
weigandt2013 2/1/13 -- Baby BOY!
hsweetman 2/6/13
bdutton0005 2/8/13
bells039 2/8/13
bridefromafar 2/8/13
CupcakeKaper 2/8/13
djhar 2/8/13 -- Baby BOY!
eegeekwife 2/8/13 -- Baby GIRL!
ericalee27 2/8/13 -- Cole Henry born 1/18/13
jennyrosehorn1015 2/8/13
jkuhmann 2/8/13 -- Baby BOY!
klz0330 2/8/13 -- Baby GIRL!
mee83shell 2/8/13 -- Team GREEN!
mrstubbert 2/8/13
sragreen 2/8/13 --Team GREEN!
wells2010 2/8/13 -- Baby GIRL!
baxteas 2/9/13
catiek414 2/10/13
smile55k 2/12/13 --Baby Allison born 1/5/13
cruzaboo 2/13/13 -- Team GREEN!
gf11277 2/13/13
monicamerkel 2/13/13 -- Baby BOY!
SuzanneMommy 2/14/13
101mims 2/15/13 -- Baby GIRL!
aimeecasey 2/15/13
DanielleB256 -- Baby BOY!
jely26 2/15/13
McAllie5 2/15/13
nettie27 2/15/13
heather.mike 2/15/13
TigerLilyBaby2013 2/15/13 -- Baby BOY!
wormiemb 2/15/13
Starting all over again 2/19/13--Team PINK!
Kristen1186 2/20/13
Aegis2005 2/22/13 -- Baby BOY!
bhappy2day 2/22/13
BrewerFan86 2/22/13
california_dreaming 2/22/13
carolinajms 2/22/13
carrielb12 2/22/13 -- Team GREEN!
cherie_2185 2/22/13
eddy92482 2/22/13 -- Baby BOY!
fitzgirl17 2/22/13 -- Baby BOY!
fmw0526 2/22/13 -- Team GREEN!
FutureMrsDrew73110 2/22/13 -- Team GREEN!
lil fox 2/22/13
Linds619 2/22/13
LinM 2/22/13
meechellebelle 2/22/13
magnum13 2/22/13
Optimus+Prime 2/22/13
ortjl7 2/22/13 -- Baby GIRL!
PginSA 2/22/13 -- Baby BOY!
phydwyfe2013 2/22/13 -- Team GREEN!
sdee211 -- Baby BOY!
rockstarpups 2/24/13
njgal26 2/25/13
mommysangels 3/5/13
Good morning everyone! How are you today?
you have your baby, please let us know! If you post in the next Friday
ticker change following delivery I will add your baby's date of birth
and name (if you share it) to the list at the top of the post

How many weeks are you today?:
What size/fruit is your baby today?
How are you feeling?
Any fun weekend plans?
Have a great week!
Re: ~*~*Friday Ticker Change*~*~
Have a great week!
DX: 6/9/2011: Azoo ICSI/IVF only option for biological child
IVF #1: ER - 9/26 * ET - 10/1 * beta#1 10/13 - 140 * beta#2 10/17 - 477 * beta#3 10/20 - 1101
1st u/s at 6w6d - one hb * 2nd u/s at 8w3d - no hb detected 11/10/11 * natural m/c 11/13/11
FET #1 Jan/Feb 2012 - 3 delays - cancelled 2/13
FET #1.2 - May/June 2012 - ET 6/6/* beta#1 6/15 - 95 * beta #2 6/19 - 322 * beta #3 6/22 - 940
7/6 1st u/s @ 7 weeks - one beautiful hb - released from RE
EDD 2/22/2013
Have a great week!
Have a great week!
Have a great week!