This girl from my hometown keeps posting to FB every time she goes to the OB, before and after the appointment. The things she posts makes me feel like she thinks that one week, she's just gonna drive on up to the city, get checked, and the OB is gonna pull out this baby for her...Ta da! I wonder if she knows thats not how it works at all...
Re: Not sure what she thinks is gonna happen...
Wow...that is a little much! I post the odd belly (fully clothed) pic on FB due to the absolute demand of my friends who live far away lol! But I have already decided that maybe a week ahead of my due date I'm going to make a post something along the lines of "If anyone posts anything about my babies gender or photos, or that it arrived before my husband and myself I will unfriend you on Facebook and life!" lol! It's kinda weird about your super updating friends, but it drives me F-ing NUTS when people will post on the Mom/Dad's wall "CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR BABY BOY" before they posted anything about it!! Absolutely go crazy over this lol!
Its totally funny, because these same people are like "why is everyone always in my business?!"
Oooo I know why! Pick me!
I think facebook is the down fall of society.
Dd was born by csection, under general. MIL had full intentions to post a pic of her on Facebook, before I even woke up!
This time, I am having lots of family drama, so everyone is under strict orders to not say a word on Facebook until we go home , I don't want unwelcome visitors at the hospital.
There were probably two people who were interested in that -- and they were already at the hospital. Ugh. Facebook.
I actually had her hidden or whatever so I didn't see her in my newsfeed, until a friend of mine texted me to tell me about this ridiculousness....I have a lot of people under strict orders of NO PICTURES on FB until I am ready....they can post whatever they want about his arrival, just no photos. I am not worried about unwanted visitors at the hospital. People know how I am, they will have the courtesy to call first!!
I thought this only happened to me! I found out about my grandfather passing away from my cousin on fb. I haven't even thought about people posting about our twins arrivals on fb before we announce but now I am! My cousins wife is awful and I know she will announce it! She announced my pregnancy on fb too I didn't even get a chance to tell everyone yet! I should probably start talking to people about this so nobody announces it!
LOL, your friend is going to be in for a huge surprise if she thinks that's all that needs to happen for the baby to arrive. Almost wish I could see that meltdown.
In regards to PPs, I too will need to tell my family no updates to FB. And it will NOT go over well. I have a feeling DHs family will be fine with it (as they have been with everything else), but my family is super stubborn and will resist anything that they are told NOT to do, even if it's reasonable. So I am probably going to get a guilt-trip from my mom about it (or her simply telling me it's cruel for me to ask them to do that), and the rest of my family will probably just all out ignore it. I will send them the message, and if they don't do what I ask, there will be hell to pay later. If I see someone on facebook updating or announcing my baby's arrival before me or DH does, I will tell them to immediately take it down and it won't be in the nicest words.
Actually, a guy I graduated with died, and his family couldn't reach his sister. It was alllll over FB before they could find her, and they had to send a police officer to her home, to make sure she didn't find out that way. People weren't meaning to be disrespectful, they genuinely were sad, but it was awful!