February 2013 Moms

***Thursday Ticker Change***

How many weeks are you today?: What size/fruit is your baby today?:

How (or what) are you feeling? Weight gain/loss (optional)? 

Any appointments this week, new news, or T&P needed?

GTKY:  1) Writing up/wrote up a birth plan?  2) Med free or epidural?

BabyFetus Ticker

Re: ***Thursday Ticker Change***

  • I'm week 38, either a pumpkin or a watermelon depending on what bump thing I look at...

    I'm really grumpy this week! It's like all the hormones are hitting me at once! Also getting crampy a lot each day so possibly dilating (I hope). My snacking has dropped of a LOT the last couple weeks, too, it's weird. I have so much extra food around now!

    I'm up to weekly appointments now, so far so good, Strep B came back negative!

    We've got our birth plan all set and handed in to the hospital (and a spare in my bug out bag). I'm a planner. We're planning to go med free, we'll see what happens! 

    BabyFetus Ticker
  • 37 weeks and a winter melon - yeah full term!!

    I'm feeling pretty good. Things are taking me a bit slower than normal now and I'm wiped at the end of the work day. Weight gain +38

    I used the Bump form for my birth plan, but haven't made multiple copies or anything - I think of it just as guidelines. I'm planning on getting an epidural. :-)


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  • imagenraymond1:

    How many weeks are you today?: What size/fruit is your baby today?:

    How (or what) are you feeling? Weight gain/loss (optional)? 

    Any appointments this week, new news, or T&P needed?

    GTKY:  1) Writing up/wrote up a birth plan?  2) Med free or epidural?

    36 weeks today, THANK GOD... That means that the baby could come just about any time and it would be okay.  (I know, the longer the better, but the light is shining at the end of this long tunnel!!!!)  I am a honeydew today.

    I am feeling exhausted, overworked, overwhelmed and completely unprepared for baby.  Baby dropped, so my hoo hah hurts all the time from the pressure.  The only time I feel any relief is lying down in bed and then it is the battle of the heartburn all night long.  My OB appointment is tomorrow, but according to the scale in the locker room at my water aerobics class, I've gained another pound in the last two weeks, bringing me up to a total of 26.

    Appointment is tomorrow, and hopefully they will tell me the last two weeks of periodic contractions are actually DOING something, and not just driving me insane.  I keep timing them and they'll get down to about every 6-7 minutes, lasting up to a minute or more, for like four hours.  Then I'll tell myself, if it lasts for another hour, I'll go to L&D... only to have them quit. Crying

    1) My goal is to write up the birth plan tonight but... I still have English papers to grade and homework to finish with a deadline of midnight so it's not looking promising.

    2) I am going in with the attempt to see how far I can go before I get the epi, but I am NOT intending to do this au naturale again.  Ever!

                    We're Going to be a Family of 5!

    Lilypie - (PaHE) Lilypie - (4noI)

                                   Lilypie - (2q9u)

  • imagenraymond1:

    How many weeks are you today?: What size/fruit is your baby today?: 

    How (or what) are you feeling? Weight gain/loss (optional)? 

    Any appointments this week, new news, or T&P needed?

    GTKY:  1) Writing up/wrote up a birth plan?  2) Med free or epidural?

     Apparently 37 weeks (Yay term!) is a wintermelon!

    I feel like death on a stick but I'm still working and waddling around.I'm up roughly 40 lbs.

    I have appointments every Tuesday and Friday since 32 weeks. Nothing new yet, other than hitting term :)

    The hospital I am going to deliver at/took  my prenatal class at gives you a booklet to fill out instead of having to write one up so we did that. I am being induced due to pre-existing diabetes and having an IUD still in place with constant monitoring so since I'm going to be stuck in bed anyway I'm planning on getting the epidural. I'm just hoping for a vaginal birth- I really don't want a c-section. 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I am 37 weeks and the baby is size of a honeydew :) 

    I just started getting swollen ankles/feet the other evening, and it is very uncomfortable. I have gained a little over 20 pounds, which I am thankful for! I know I could've done better and lost a little weight, but I can't stop eating! I do have an appt. today, so I can't wait to hear the heartbeat plus I am getting the GSB swab.

    My plan initially wasn't to get an epidural, but more than likely I should plan on just doing it. I definitely want to guide the baby out, because I want to be the first person to hold her and touch her.  

    <a href="http://www.thebump.com/?utm_source=ticker&utm_medium=HTML&utm_campaign=tickers" title="Parenting Advice"><img src="http://global.thebump.com/tickers/tt1a7519.aspx" alt=" Pregnancy Ticker" border="0"  /></a>
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