February 2013 Moms

Normal or concern?

Just curious if this episode is normal last trimester stuff or warrants a call to my OB? Last night woken up at 3 am with night sweats and heart palpitations. Plus the LO was moving around like crazy. Took about an hour or so to regulate back to normal. Heat was at 60 degrees so wasn't too warm. Today have been totally off and shaky..I am 36 weeks and have had a pretty easy pregnancy thus far, no blood pressure issues, etc.. Have history of panic attacks but haven't had one in awhile and this seemed different...anyone else have this going on or would you call the dr? 
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Re: Normal or concern?

  • If you're unsure, just call them for at least the peace of mind. I have heard night sweats are normal at the end of pregnancy. Someone told me they kept soaking through t-shirts so just left a stack of them next to the bed.
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  • imageByeByeBooze:
    I would call. I think night sweats are normal and palpitations are normal, but I would want the doctor to know about them and also know that it took a whole hour to calm your body back down.


    Agree.  I would definitely call. 

    We are so thankful that our second daughter, Lillian Elizabeth "Lily", was born healthy and happy on February 11, 2013.  We love her to pieces.  

    We lost our first daughter, Hannah Grace on May 4, 2011.  She was buried on May 14 during a beautiful service at my home church. We are grateful that if she could not be here with us, that she is healed and whole with the Lord. We look forward to the day when we will get to meet her. We love her so much.

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  • I have a history of panic attacks also and have been having palpitations on my 3rd tri. My nurse said it was normal due to the extra blood flow, but if it happens a lot I would call the Dr just to make sure. I get them once in a while and dont last too long.
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