Archer Liam - 2/6/13
Freya Lillian - 11/15/15
Hey mamas,
This was posted on the FB group I'm a part of for moms on my base, and it was a pretty reassuring read. I know I always hear "BFing won't hurt if you/your baby are doing it right!" and it's nice to know that isn't always the case. Just thought I'd pass it along
Re: Breastfeeding & pain article - fears eased
For me, the first few days were brutal. Was I doing it wrong? I don't know. I think it's a silly phrase, though, because the truth is that for many women, it hurts at first and being told that your pain means you're doing it wrong doesn't make it any easier to figure out.
Don't be afraid to ask for help, and trust that it WILL get easier! I happily BF for 15 months after cringing and crying through the first few days.
I developed bleeding cracks on one side while BFing DD#1 that were so horribly painful that my milk wouldn't let down! I was about ready to give up when my mom suggested that I just pump for a few days to let the cracks heal. She even went out and bought me a breast pump.
Talk about a life saver! As a then FTM, I hadn't considered this option. I didn't kow any better, lol! Now I look back and want to slap myself silly because the solution was so easy.