In the midst of my insomnia last night I stumbled upon gDiapers and wow...I'm almost convinced! Not really so much on the disposable option but with the cloth diapers and the cute little covers.
Anyone trying these or have tried them? Feedback is greatly appreciated as I'm considering doing part-time cloth diapering now.
Re: FTM/STM - Anyone trying gDiapers?
My impression is most people hate them. My friend tried them but they were way too big for quite a long time (her baby was 6 lbs at birth). I think they are supposed to start fitting around 12 lbs but that wasn't true for her. Anyway, she gave me her hemp inserts which I use in my pockets that work great. I also suggest asking on the CD board for opinions. Sorry I haven't used them probably because I've read some really bad reviews! There are tons of other affordable options if you're considering cloth.
We used gdiapers with DS and liked them a lot. We waited until he was 6 months or so before starting, but we really loved the flushable option so we stuck with it until he was in pullups. I have never used any other CD brands, so i cannot compare but FWIW, we like them and plan to use them again with this LO (that is, once he gets put of the pooping12-times-per-day phase)
"You reach deeper until you can find the strength. That's all life is, one big fight after another."
Angel babies: 9/19/07, 10/08/09, 1/05/11
I'm using them this time! LO isn't here yet so haven't actually used them, but... I'm hopeful! I bought a few of their cloth inserts to make them more "eco friendly" than using the sposie inserts, but really I'm using my old prefolds to make more inserts. I just wanted a semi-pattern and size to use.
What I am hoping to love about them is the biodegradable flushable inserts to use while traveling. My brother is getting married in Maine in July, and my in-laws & extended family all freek out about having to throw out disposables since they can't be burned. *shaking my head* What the heck do they want me to do?! Let my newborn run around diaperless and fancy free? S/He's got to wear SOMETHING. I am hoping that gDiapes will be the answer.
I like their insets way more than the covers themselves. I still use the covers every once in a while but I use the inserts inside my pockets (BG 4.0s) and other All in 2 diaper covers that I like better. I don't ever want to throw them in the trash but they are not my preferred cover.
Also their disposable inserts are very absorbent I liked them a lot but I only had like 3 packages that I got as gifts and never bought more because IMO they are more expensive than they are worth when I had tons of cloth inserts.