I went into labor on Monday night right after dinner and it came super fast. My contractions were a few minutes apart by 9 pm and the most horrible pain I had ever experienced, so we packed up Will and dropped him off at my parents and headed to the hospital. When I got there I was 4 cms, then 6.5 a couple hours later when I finally was able to get the epi. After 3 failed attempts at it, they finally succeeded, other than the fact that my left leg was completely numb and the other not at all. But I was feeling so good, I was able to nap for a couple more hours. I woke about 3 am and was at 9.5 cms. They told me I could push whenever I felt the urge, my water broke on its own around this time. About an hour later I started, and 45 minutes later she arrived! Coolest thing ever, I'm so glad I did the vbac.
My doctor had told me I would have internal monitors and such, but when I got to the hospital, I got the on call doc and she was totally laid back, no monitors or anything special for my Vbac. I loved her. The hospital stay was awful though, and it was just stressful to be there with people in and out all night, so we went home Wednesday morning.
Re: Violet's birth- a successful vbac story
Congrats - it's great to hear a great VBAC story - especially those in hospitals. It gives great hope.
I have friends who turned to at-home births b/c they really wanted the vbac and maybe felt their c/s were pushed on them in the hospitals. I felt more comfortable with the hospital environment - and too was successful, and hope/expect to have a 2nd vbac this summer.
Congrats again! I love the name Violet!