February 2013 Moms

Question? from a FTM

How did you prepare hubby for how weird newborns look? Such as maybe a cone head. My LO is breech today at the ultra sound you could see the wonky shaped head...I just don't know how to prepare him!! Advice please.

Re: Question? from a FTM

  • the cone shape comes from passing through the birth canal. If you're having a cs, you won't be seeing this on your lo.
    Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • I think H knows that not all babies come out looking perfect.

    Maybe show your H newborn photos? Or maybe read something to him about the baby's head being soft so it can take on a cone shape during delivery...unless you're having as c/s as pp said.

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  • As PP's have said, the conehead comes from passing through the birth canal during birth.  So your baby's head should not be wonky shaped while in utero.  The wonky shape you saw in your ultrasound is probably just because those ultrasounds always look somewhat distorted.

    I don't know what you should do to "prepare" him per se.  I think most grown men already know this.  I guess start by saying, "By the way, babe, passing through the birth canal often gives newborns a weirdly shaped head.  It will shape back up pretty quickly."  If he doesn't get it, maybe he can google it?

    BabyFruit Ticker BabyFetus Ticker
  • Dd was breech, so she had a perfectly round shaped head.... And has he never seen a newborn before?
  • No , he has never seen a newborn before. But that you for your tips ! I am sure he will be fine !
  • We took an "Intro to Newborns" class through Kaiser.. Hubby has never experienced a newborn before, so it was great for him. They spend a lot of time going over conditions your baby can have that are considered completely normal - coneheads, bruising, baby acne, covered in white goo, birthmarks, blisters, etc. (Yes, I use technical terms here!)


    The one thing I wish they'd pointed out is that it's unlikely your baby will have ALL of these things.. DH is prepared for a very worst case scenario now - hopefully he'll be pleasantly surprised.   

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Also don't most if not all hospitals put hats on babies when they are first born? With DD I don't remember seeing her without a hat till we left the hospital.

    Also I think that was the last time she kept a hat on for more than 3 minutes without tearing it off
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  • Are you sure the head was wonky on the ultrasound? I mean, the "viewing" angle is skewed because the whole image comes from sending soundwaves through the 1-inch spot on the tip of the the probe so I imagine there is a lot of image bending. As others have mentioned usually the cone shape is from the birth canal or a vacuum being used. Plus, I always say that babies start looking really cute after a couple months or so...But, I have heard, since it's your baby, it will probably look like the cutest thing you ever laid your eyes on.
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  • Why would you need to prepare him?  It's his child and he's going to love it whether it looks like a conehead or a Gremlin.
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