February 2013 Moms

Food poisoning while pregnant is awful!

Last night I was super hungry, so I told DH I was going to hop over to Long John Silvers and try their little side popcorn chicken snack thingy. Never had them before, and they sounded good. Tasted LOVELY, but like 4 hours later I wake up well, with both ends of my body not appreciating the shrimp =/

So I do my thing in the bathroom as quickly as I can so I can lay back down, and well, finally got some sleep. Then wake up this morning to nausea and back to the bathroom I go. All the while my LO has decided today of all days she has to practice her somersaults o__O


I think it might be QUITE some time before I can bring myself to eat any form of shrimp again... Have any of you ladies had that one thing to make you sick that you just can't bring yourself to eat again?

Re: Food poisoning while pregnant is awful!

  • I had  it back in November around 25 weeks. It sucked. I'm still not 100% sure what it was from- either a business lunch at a pricey restaurant, or fried chicken DH and I ate that night before the movie (the only reason I'm not sure is because NO ONE ELSE who ate what I had got sick). I ended up in L&D with 4 bags of IV luids because I was so dehydrated. It sucked.

    Daisypath - (2EEx)

    Lilypie - (CszI)



  • I had food poisoning at the beginning of this pregnancy, I can't imagine dealing with it now...

    I will say, though, every single person who has ever told me about their food poisoning experiences has had a Long John Silver story. I love seafood, and I'm from the east coast, so I've been to places that literally look like run down shacks on the side of the road, but fast food seafood is just something I can never bring myself to try. I don't even do Red Lobster... Hope you feel better soon!
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  • With DD I got sick from a roast beef sandwich in my third tri. I still can't eat them, she is 4.5 yrs old.
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  • imagePnkDingo:
    I don't even do Red Lobster... Hope you feel better soon!


    First off, thanks for the well wishes! I am feeling slightly better after drinking, I swear, like 10-15 bottles of water today! I couldn't eat much but the water kept me from feeling worse I think, plus kept me hydrated. LO didn't even seem to notice the discontent of my stomach! lol

    I work for Olive Garden which is owned by the same corporation as Red Lobster so we do eat there occasionally for special situations because as employees we get 25% off our meals. Quite lovely when you think of the cost! haha But even there I don't think I will be able to bring myself to eat shrimp. I believe I've given myself a mental block with it after getting so sick last night/this morning.

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