February 2013 Moms

A different kind of water breakage vent

Soooo... The pilot light on our water heater decided to turn off last night. Woke up to a cold house our heat is baseboard hot water and no hot water. DH got the pilot light back on and for the most part everything seems like it will be ok, but:

First of all, what rotten timing seeing as I could go into labor at any moment, so I don't know whether we should replace it immediately or just hold out til LO is here and we know we'll be home and not at the hospital when it's installed.

And second, it appears a pipe to our shower froze partially. Obviously no hot water, but the cold water is coming through the shower a bit slower than any other faucet in the house. To complicate matters, our foundation is a slab, so if that pipe needs to be replaced we could potentially need to dig up the floors to get to it.

In the grand scheme of things, I know it could be much worse, but keep your fingers crossed for us that there's no problem with that pipe! We were going to replace the water heater soon anyway, so that's not a big deal, but I do NOT want to be stuck digging up our floors to replace a burst pipe. At all in general, but especially now.


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