Hi ladies!
I have a silly question for STMs or those who may have recently delivered their LOs.
The glider we bought for baby girl's room is a plush ivory upholstered arm chair/glider. Is it unrealistic of me to think I'll be able to use it those first few weeks postpartum while I'm bleeding? Or is my imagination getting the best of me and postpartum bleeding isn't as messy as I'm thinking?
TIA for your help!
Re: Postpartum bleeding & furniture
It's pretty bad at first. I remember my first walk to the bathroom post partum and even with a hospital pad and everything it was dripping down to my ankles...sorry tmi.
I'd probably just make sure there's some protection for the chair, just in case. The bleeding does let up but still.
I was thinking that, you know those puppy training pads, why don't you get some of those off-brand ones and set them in the seat, so it will absorb anything that might leak and the bottom is lined with plastic so it shouldn't have any way to get on your glider!
I'm pretty tight on money so I've been trying to think of ways to improvise on certain postpartum things for myself since I've tried to buy the best things I can afford for DD, and this idea just popped into my head!
I had a c/s, after which you usually bleed a little less than a vaginal birth, but bleeding on the couch wasn't even something I considered. I'll probably be in the hospital for 2-3 days PP and that's when the worst of the bleeding is. After a few days it's like a heavy period.
Since it's an ivory color, though, I might put down a disposable changing pad or something just to be safe. You'll only need it for a few days. The bleeding can last a while, but it's not extreme for the whole time. For me I'd say it was heavier than a period for 2-3 days, like a heavy period for another 2-3 days, a normal period for 4-7ish days, and then I had heavy spotting for about 3 weeks. In total I bled for a bit over 5 weeks.
BFP1: DD1 born April 2011 at 34w1d via unplanned c/s due to HELLP, DVT 1 week PP
BFP3: DD2 born Feb 2013 at 38w4d via unplanned RCS due to uterine dehiscence
I'm a FTM, so I bought the puppy pee pads for our white sofa and chairs.
Interesting story about PP bleeding - my sister was just home after having a c-section with her first child and we were sitting on her sofa, when all of a sudden we noticed a ton of blood on one of the cushions. She hobbled to the bathroom, changed her pad, etc. While we were inspecting the sofa cushion (and trying to get the slipcover off for the wash), all of a sudden blood started coming out of nowhere. Her c-section incision had opened! It was crazy! That was her only complication, but she was not happy about it... or her stained sofa.
growing a foosa
Oh man that is insane!!! I would be soooo ticked!!!
Thanks everyone!
I have to admit...it's been so nice forgetting what it's like to have a period for the last 9 months