NewMom2Be10 gave birth to a lovely baby girl - Valeria Zepporah, at 5:20 this evening. She weighs 6lbs and has a little fluid in her lungs, but other than that, both mom and baby are doing well. Bienvenida, Valeria!
April 10 IUI BFN
Sept 10 IUI BRN
Feb 11 IVF hoping for a BFP!
Feb 27 ER 28 eggs
Mar 4 8 health eggs, 2 ET
Mar 17 - Beta 180!! BFP!!!
Mar 21 - Beta 1295!! holy cow what a jump
Coming soon 1st Sono March 30!!!
Crossing fingers for healthy stick bean(s)
Mar 29 miscarry 6w 3d
2nd IVF July 2011
BFP July 2011
M/C 11/11/11 hate to say good bye again!
3rd IVF
4/3/12 ER 46 eggs (holly cow batman) 40 mature, 36 fertilized
4/8/12 ET 2 AB put back
4/10/12 15 make it to FREEZE
4/22/12 Beta BFN
1st FET
6/7/12 Day we are going to put back 2.
6/21/12 BFP 1285
6/25/12 4780
I hope this time they stick!!
Deaglan William welcome.
My rainbow is finally here February 7, 2013
Re: My labor buddy (NewMom2Be10) has an announcement!!
First round of Clomid in May 2012= BFP #1, DD born January 2013
BFP #2 in January 2014, DS born September 2014
BFP1: DD1 born April 2011 at 34w1d via unplanned c/s due to HELLP, DVT 1 week PP
BFP3: DD2 born Feb 2013 at 38w4d via unplanned RCS due to uterine dehiscence