February 2013 Moms

How dilated can you be?

I am certain it varies by doctor, but how dilated can you be before a doctor will induce? I am just curious, incase I dilate a lot beforehand like I did with DD.  I know most hospitals generally keep you at 4 cm.  I was 4 at my doctors office with DD, and I was able to go home.  But I was 5.5 at the hospital when they decided to induce.  

Re: How dilated can you be?

  • good question. I have no idea. Sorry im useless.lol.
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  • I'm sure it varies, and what the other factors are.  But I read a blog, she was dilated to 5-6 cm, but was not contracting regularly and was sent home.  It was still a couple of days before she actually had the baby.  BUT her baby (second) was born in a very VERY short amount of time once they realized she was in active labor.
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  • I'm 2-3cm and 60% and my doctor gave me the go ahead for being induced next week.  My doc said if for whatever reason I had to be induced last week (37 weeks, 2cm 50%) that he'd be ok with doing it then.
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  • I've been 4 cm dilated since (at least) the 14th. I was surprised at my appt on the 21st that there was no progress, and I was still hanging out at 4 cm, but my doctor wasn't surprised at all. As far as sending me home/inducing, she told me on the 14th to call if my contractions start becoming more regular, and if I were to call and come in, she wouldn't send me home.
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  • imageknickerbockers:
    I'm 2-3cm and 60% and my doctor gave me the go ahead for being induced next week.  My doc said if for whatever reason I had to be induced last week (37 weeks, 2cm 50%) that he'd be ok with doing it then.



    my ob said pretty much the same thing, that he thinks things will go great, if for some reason I had to be induced.   

  • With DS1 I was walking around at 4-5 cm for awhile before my water broke and I went into labor naturally.  This time around has been similar.  I'm at 4+ cm and 80% and still doing my thing with no noticeable contractions.  I'm to come to the hospital right away when things start since they'll probably move quickly (at least they did last time); but my doctor won't likely do anything proactive for awhile.
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  • At my 39w appt with DS I was 3cm and sent home with instructions on what to do if I went into labor as it was a holiday weekend. I went into labor in the middle of the night 3 days later. Not sure what the max is they would have sent me home at tho...
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  • I was between 4 to 5 cm at my 36 week appointment but not having painful contractions so my doctor is letting me go until she feels its required to intervene. She did say that its common to stall around this point and often women opt to be induced but i would much rather go naturally when LO is ready.
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  • I was 4 cm before I was induced with my DS.
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