Who knew you could have Braxton Hicks every 6 to 7 minutes for 4 hours? 38 weeks and went to the hospital after 4 hours of contracting just to be sent home because of no cervical changes since my appointment last week.. I had my first after 2 hours of my water breaking no pain before that so I get nervous waiting it out and not knowing when to go back. I never knew BH could go on so long!
Re: 4 hours of Braxton hicks!
1/1 Spotting, 1/3 beta 36,000, 1/5 u/s empty sac measuring 7w (9w5d), 1/6 d&c
You will always be loved & missed our sweet angel.
I had this happen one night last week. I called the doc on call, and she said if I was certain they were only BH contractions, to not worry about it. Crazy, right?
I am with you, I didn't realize they could go on for that long! Wow...
"You reach deeper until you can find the strength. That's all life is, one big fight after another."
Angel babies: 9/19/07, 10/08/09, 1/05/11