February 2013 Moms

4 hours of Braxton hicks!

Who knew you could have Braxton Hicks every 6 to 7 minutes for 4 hours? 38 weeks and went to the hospital after 4 hours of contracting just to be sent home because of no cervical changes since my appointment last week.. I had my first after 2 hours of my water breaking no pain before that so I get nervous waiting it out and not knowing when to go back. I never knew BH could go on so long!

Re: 4 hours of Braxton hicks!

  • Wait, I'm confused. Your water is broken?
    CafeMom TickersCafeMom Tickers
    1/1 Spotting, 1/3 beta 36,000, 1/5 u/s empty sac measuring 7w (9w5d), 1/6 d&c
    You will always be loved & missed our sweet angel.
  • I had this happen one night last week.  I called the doc on call, and she said if I was certain they were only BH contractions, to not worry about it.  Crazy, right?

    I am with you, I didn't realize they could go on for that long!  Wow...



    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    "You reach deeper until you can find the strength.  That's all life is, one big fight after another."

    Angel babies: 9/19/07, 10/08/09, 1/05/11

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  • I meant my water breaking with my first daughter. I had no pain until my water broke and she was here 2 hours later. I know my water may not break this time so I can't use that as a warning. I hope I know when it's the real deal after 4 hours of BH. Definitely crazy!
  • that was me especially last night
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