February 2013 Moms

postpartum reshaping girdles

As any one purchase/tired a postpartum shaping girdle?  If so, do you think it helps or is needed? 

I have a friend who used one and loved it.  She said it helped out a lot with support.  And she claims it helped her get back to her regular size faster.




Re: postpartum reshaping girdles

  • I purchased one, but since this is my first pregnancy I have no idea yet if they work or not. Fingers crossed, I hope it does! 
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  • Never used one. Diet and exercise worked for me. Although I can imagine it would help with diet, having everything squished up post partum...one doesn't eat as much when squeezed in the tummy area. Plus, it might help with wearing certain items without looking like a muffin top until the weight is lost.
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  • While I loved my belly bandit after DS, it was mostly a quick fix item and a good back support while nursing etc. Exercise and a good diet are what really helps. Also, like pp said it was great under outfits as a confidence booster!
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