So yesterday the frozen car, today apartment fire. We are okay however another is not.
T&P would be appreciated for whoever was in the apartment that was on fire. Apparently one person didn't make it. I can't seem to rest knowing that someone lost their life twenty feet from here so I just keep praying, I'm hoping some added help from you guys might help them too. I don't know the circumstances of anything just that the news said that the person had passed before emergency crews got there.
The alarms in the hall of our building went off around 3 am less than a minute later you could see smoke coming up the stairwells.Apparently I'm the thinker in panic situations not the SO. My mom lives next door so we went and told her to get out and she called 911 on the way out. We grabbed the already packed hospital bag and stuffed my cat in a carrier and by the time we did that the police were banging on doors getting people out of the building. We found my mom again when we got downstairs and tried both of our cars again but no luck. One of the police let my cat and mother sit in his car (I insisted she take it, she's pretty frail and with baby cooking in me I was doing better than most people in the -14 degree weather).
I had an appointment this morning that I had to cancel 'cuz no cars = no way there. They were worried about smoke inhalation but we were only in it for the run downstairs so I'm no too worried. (Blew my nose got some black out, everything else seems fine.) The building however smells TERRIBLE and after all that freaking out I'm worried about baby girl. It would seem however as I type this though she has become VERY squirmy so I guess I'm just still in panic mode. I just feel so bad for that person/their family. I don't know what else to do then to tell people and try to keep prayers going for them.

Re: Scary Morning!
06/12 - BFP!!!!
Beta #1 15dpo - 256
Beta #2 18dpo - 1097
6wk U/S on 07/02 ~ TWINS!!!
EDD 02/21/13
09/10/12 Found out it's two Boys!!!! Sam and Jake
Jacob and Samuel born 1/29/13 at 36 weeks.