February 2013 Moms

Baby measuring 2 weeks ahead

I recently had to go to the hospital to have an ultrasound done because my baby's head was measuring about 3 weeks further than what my due date was saying, and the doctor there says that I am 2 weeks further a long...because of how big the baby is...so does this mean I'm really 37 weeks? I mean I can feel lots of pressure in my pelvic area and I have been walking a lot lately, so can he come soon? And with it being a full moon this weekend! :

Re: Baby measuring 2 weeks ahead

  • Do you have any idea when you conceived? I am lucky cause I am pretty certain of the exact day. If u can remember the first day of your last period you can use an ovulation calculator to get a n idea.
  • There really is no way to tell unless you know when you conceived.  Aging babies based upon size is incredibly inacurate.  You might be carring a big baby, or you might really be farther along.

    My LO is measuring 2-3 weeks ahead, but has been since my 28 week appointment. The way I look at is HOPEFULLY baby will arrive sooner rather than later.

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  • My OB is all over what a big baby I'm going to have based off his "3 weeks ahead" measurements. I told him that's because they have my due date wrong, but no one listens to me... I didn't have a period from bfing, but I know the exact one and only day we had sex! So, somewhere in the 2-3 days around that day was conception... They probably just have your due date off or notoriously bad measurements via ultrasound. I wouldn't put a lot of stock in it if I were you.
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