Gah! With DD I gained 29 lbs by 36 weeks when I delivered. This time I was up 32 by 36 weeks (not horrible but I was a little disappointed) and then added 4 POUNDS THIS WEEK! Ick! What a nice little reward for making it to term this time! I'm guessing the stretch marks will all arrive tomorrow. Isn't pregnancy grand?
I'm just telling myself that it's all water..... It's all water, right? RIGHT??!?!?
Re: 4 pounds this week. Shoot me!
I have 2 NST's a week and get weighed every time. Friday to Tuesday last week I gained 5lbs, and by this past Friday's appointment lost the 5 and a few ounces again without doing anything different than I've been doing all along.
I asked because I was curious, OB told me she wasn't concerned because it most likely was a time of day/water weight/nobigdeal fluctuation.
I have slight polyhydramnios so I like to think my weight gain is water weight. My Dr. really hasn't said much about how much I've gained but I've gained more than I should since I was bigger pre-pregnancy. I'm definately going on a diet and exercise regimen once I'm cleared at 6 weeks. This weight can't stick around!!