I read that babies find the scent of their mom (and I suppose dad for that matter) very comforting. So I'm going to start sleeping with our LO's clothes and blankets, especially his coming home outfit. I'm thinking maybe sticking them between my pillow and boppy so to get the smell but to avoid the sweating factor, ha ha. With his blankets, I'm wearing them when lounging around the house.
Re: Sleeping with LO's things
Do you plan to be separated from baby for periods of time? I've heard of sending something to daycare that smells like mom/home, but I'm not sure why everyday things would need to be mommy smelly? Why not just hold the baby? Not trying to be too snarky here, actually confused.
This may not be a bad idea, but if you have a 'colic-y' baby...baby may not be here yet, but it will usually help a little bit...not to mention even if baby doesn't have colic, it's naturally calming so if she wants to put babe down to go do something the possibility of that happening is much more likely than not...
However, to the original poster...be careful doing that, as it can cause an attachment problem in the future to the point that no one else can comfort baby but you...which can and will get exhausting for you. Have Dad leave his scent on some things too
You're going to end up washing those blankets and clothes after potentially one hour of use, because your LO will inevitably poop or puke all over them. Just keep baby close and he or she will smell you.
When DS1 was going through a separation anxiety phase at night, I would leave the shirt I had been wearing all day in the crib with him while he slept (he was older, so I didn't need to worry about SIDS) and it seemed to help. Maybe you could do that instead - wrap baby in one of your T-shirts or something for the smell.