February 2013 Moms

Cause boys are awesome too...

What are we naming our boys?


i think if our girl comes out and surprises us with a different gender (lol) he would be named Oliver Dennis.  

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Re: Cause boys are awesome too...

  • Jackson Franklin

    He will be called Jack-- my paternal grandfather is John, but goes by Jack.

    Franklin is the name of my maternal grandfather and DH's maternal grandfather.

  • Colton Thomas :)

    I still think it's funny that there's a toddler Colton Thomas in one of the users sigs on our board. I wanted to use Thomas in honor of my dad, and Michael's dad's name was Carson, but he has a nephew already named Carson after him, so Colton was the closest we found that we liked :)

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  • Mason Tyler


    It was the first name we really talked about, and within a week we were both decided. He's had a name for almost five months. :)

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  • My boy is already here... He is Cole Henry

          DS1: Quinn - 10.22.10 and DS2: Cole - 01.18.13



  • imageericalee27:
    My boy is already here... He is Cole Henry

    Great name!

    If LO had been a boy (or surprises us I guess), I think we would have gone with Elliott David.

    Lilypie - (KNqh)
  • Unless the u/s tech was very wrong we're having a boy and we still haven't found a name. We don't even have a front runner. Middle name will be Joseph because that's the male family name on all sides, but FIL would be really uncomfortable with us using it as a first name (he's a really shy, humble guy and it would make him really unhappy) but we haven't found a boy name we both like and we like with our last name. At this point I think once I see him it will hit me. At least I hope so.
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  • Wesley Rodney. 

    If he were a girl, he would've probably been Aria Delaney.  

    K & C | 9.17.10
    "With You By My Side, I Will Never Be Lost"
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  • We can't decide between Roland Garrett and Garrett Roland.  We're not too concerned about figuring it out now.  We have some time.

    No real story behind those names, we just like them Smile

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers image image
  • Paxton Alexander Collins  

    No story behind the name

    If the u/s tech was wrong and this baby comes out a girl then her name will be Rayleigh Evelyn  

    --Married 4 Years - PCOS - Insulin Resistant - Irregular Cycles - TTC 24mon - Metformin - Progesterone - Phentermine - 40 pounds lost - 3 rounds Clomid - DH 1% sperm morphology - BFP June 23rd - Paxton born 2/15/2013 - August 2013 Let's Have Another Baby- Charting Cycles with OPC and Charting Temps, No Ovulation Jan- Start clomid Feb 2014  --
  • Andrew Joseph

    He will have DH's middle name. DS1 has my late dads name for his middle name so we stuck with a family name for DS2.

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Martin. No middle name. I told DH today that if he comes out a girl we are just adding an a, making it Martina, so I don't have to redo a bunch of forms I've already started filling out...forms for his American passport, report of birth abroad, social security card, money we will get from German government, etc. I've filled out 4 forms already with just the birth info to be added and I don't want to redo! Haha.
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • If our little girl ended up being a boy instead (doubtful since we have had 4 u/s, but none the less) we would name him William Edmond and call him Liam. He would be a 4th. 
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers image image
  • We like Brandon for the first name, and have five names in the running for the middle name.  We are refusing to commit to a name until we see him though.  :-)



  • Our little man will be Ethan Frank. The first name is the ONLY one we could agree on...! The middle name is after my grandpa who passed away 2 years ago. He practically raised me and I still miss him...
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker BabyFetus Ticker
  • Noah Steven

    Noah goes well with our first son Eli and Steven after my husbands uncle :
  • Eric William, no story just the first one neither of us didn't seriously object to.

    Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickersLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Our boys will be Samuel Glenn and Jacob Reynolds. The first names are family names grandfathers and the mn is our brothers mn.
    M & M
    06/12 - BFP!!!!
    Beta #1 15dpo - 256
    Beta #2 18dpo - 1097
    6wk U/S on 07/02 ~ TWINS!!!
    EDD 02/21/13
    09/10/12 Found out it's two Boys!!!! Sam and Jake
    Jacob and Samuel born 1/29/13 at 36 weeks. photo F489900B-BB44-4C44-ACD1-ABB73509E3B2-9032-000005E7AE7EF53E.jpg Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • imagepenguingrrl:
    Unless the u/s tech was very wrong we're having a boy and we still haven't found a name. We don't even have a front runner. Middle name will be Joseph because that's the male family name on all sides, but FIL would be really uncomfortable with us using it as a first name he's a really shy, humble guy and it would make him really unhappy but we haven't found a boy name we both like and we like with our last name. At this point I think once I see him it will hit me. At least I hope so.

    My little brother is Adam Joseph. Even tho Adam is kind of popular we call him AJ for short.

    Out top choice is currently Elliot Virgil. Virgil was dh grandfather.
                    We're Going to be a Family of 5!

    Lilypie - (PaHE) Lilypie - (4noI)

                                   Lilypie - (2q9u)

  • Alexander for the first name, still debating the middle name. Right now the front runner is Pierce. Only a few more days to figure it out, yikes! 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • If LO is a boy, he will be Nicholas Paul. Paul was my grandpa's name.
    PCOS with long, irregular cycles
    First round of Clomid in May 2012= BFP #1, DD born January 2013 
    BFP #2 in January 2014, DS born September 2014


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  • DS1 is Maddox Cole. We subscribe to Jewish superstition on names, so won't be able to go public with this baby's name until he arrives. 
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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    BFP#2 1/12/12 ~ Missed M/C 8w2d
  • Our LO will be Lucas Owen, nn Luke.
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  • Our boy list is - Abraham, Luke, Noah, Paul, and Aaron

    Middle name will be one of the following - Alan, Jeffrey, James, Stanley, Maurice, or Richard


  • Henry David....

    Henry after my grandfather and David after my brother

  • Beckham Rhys!
    DD: 6/30/09. Mild pre-e DS: 9/5/10. Normal pregnancy Diagnosed 6/4/12 with dermatomyositis. Currently on Prednisone and IVIG therapy. 9/11/12: Normal a/s for DS2. No side effects from my medication, yay! DS2: 1/28/13. Thankful for healthy children! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker image
  • Caleb Jeffery. Jeffery is my daddy's name and we love the name Caleb :)
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  • If it's a boy it will be Kade Thomas

    Kade is just a name I fell in love with, but Thomas has run along my paternal side over over 25 generations, be it as a first name or a middle name :D 

    Lilypie Maternity tickers
  •  Wolfram Vincent

    I hijacked the choosing of a boy's name after we had been dating for about a month. Nine years later, I stuck to my guns and used all of my wifely wiles to persuade DH to come over to my camp. Luckily he didn't need too much arm twisting!

    I've had the name Wolf Vincent picked out since I was 16 or so. When the time came to either keep the name or change my mind, I decided that I wanted a longer name with the nn Wolf in it. I'm not a huge fan of Wolfgang, but I found a few others and finally decided on Wolfram after careful research and consideration. DH was a little iffy at first, especially since he has no clear German heritage (I do) and Wolfram is such a German name, but a few circumstantial occurrences and consistant persuasion have won him over.

    Vincent was easier, it is a strong, masculine and aristocratic sounding name. Neither one of us is Italian and the name Vincent has no family ties, but there are a slew of famous Vincents who have done some pretty awesome work in the world so namesakes are many, including Vincents who rose to Sainthood. We have considered the Gaelic form of Uinseann (pronounced IN-shun) but we won't know for sure until baby is here what we'll do.

    Wolfram is a combination of Wolf and Raven in German and has mythological ties to the God Woden and to ancient Germanic battle poetry. We both have Native American heritage (he Cherokee and I Cherokee and Apache) and the idea of an animal-influenced forename appeals to me. Vincent means Conqueror.

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  • Connor Ryan. We've always loved Connor and Ryan is H's name, but he didn't want it as a first name.

  • Our Ds was going to be Gabriel, but at about 7mths into the pregnancy I happened upon the name Tai.

    As DH is half Malaysian, and I grew up in Asia, the name seemed just perfect.

    So our DS is Tai -  "Tai, Tai Chicken Pie" Big Smile

    and our second son cld be Gabriel, Cal or Kier.

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  • Landon Anthony

    All my kids have middle names after family members first names, Anthony is my grandfathers first name.
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  • imagelswivel:
    Andrew JosephHe will have DH's middle name. DS1 has my late dads name for his middle name so we stuck with a family name for DS2.

    We are doing Joseph Andrew!
    DS1 picked Joseph while we were reading his bible one night before I was pg and it stuck. So he will have the same initials as DH.
                    Our Blessing From God Through Adoption
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                   Our Blessing After TTC for 6 Years (natural birth!)
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                             EBFing, CDing, BWing, SAHM
  • Our LO will be Nicklaus Eric.   Nicklaus was DH's granddad and Eric is my brother.

      We debated for a while on the spelling (I voted for Nicholas) but DH talked me into the original Ukrainian spelling, since that's how his granddad spelled it.


    I'm pretty close to my brother and he has no idea that he's in the mn spot.  I'm going to surprise him with it when he meets his nephew :)


  • imageLittleLuvBug:
    Our LO will be Lucas Owen, nn Luke.

    Love! We both love the names Luke and Owen but didn't want our boys to have the same names as the actors lol. Didn't even think of it as first and mn!
    We are naming our boys Luke Robert and Nolan Matthew. Robert is my dads name and Matthew is what my SO wanted as a first name we compromised.
  • image+adamwife+:

    Our boy list is - Abraham, Luke, Noah, Paul, and Aaron

    Middle name will be one of the following - Alan, Jeffrey, James, Stanley, Maurice, or Richard

    I am SO jealous of your nice long list of names!!  I wanted to have at least 3 first names going into the birth and decide what fits when we see him... but so far we have only agreed on one!  So unless some miracle happens and we come up with more in the next week or two, our little guy will be named Tyler and his middle name will either be Robert or David (both family names).....

    ...of COURSE we had decent list of girl's names in mind, and if LO were to come out a girl (doubtful after what we saw on my recent ultrasound!) she would either be Victoria Claire (Tori), Leah Rose or Hannah Claire.

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  • If baby is a boy, he will be Lucas Jude, nn Luke.

    Love Lucas Owen too! 

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Ours is Rory David.

    I love the name Rory as it's different without being "odd" and it's a nice Irish name to go with our last name. David is DH's middle name and his dad's first name so it's nice keeping it in the family. :-) 


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  • Brenton Scott.
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  • imagelazydaisy22:
    Bennett or Benjamin.

    Oooo, I love both of those names!  Especially Bennett.  Very nice!

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