February 2013 Moms

Don't feel like eating

I haven't felt right all day. I had an English muffin for breakfast, a few bites of corn chowder for lunch, and half a breakfast sandwich for supper. In between i have had a small bit of ice cream, 5 chips and a hand full of popcorn. 

I was in the city all day yesterday and it took a lot out of me. I have been doing a whole lot of nothing all day. I just have nothing left in me.

Live been having weird belly pains too but I think it's my bowels.

Ugh. What's wrong with me? 

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Re: Don't feel like eating

  • I've had days like that as well. It seems that the more energy I exert, the worse I feel the next day. I'm on insulin though so I have to force myself to eat a meal geared towards my diet.
    Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Boo. I am sorry you're not feeling well. Maybe you just need some time to recover from your trip? I hope you feel better soon!
    Lilypie - (KNqh)
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  • I feel like this too.  I honestly think its because my stomach is scrunched and so I feel full even when I don't eat.  Also crazy diarrhea and cramps.  maybe this is just how it is toward the end?
  • I'm sorry you're feeling crappy :(. Hope you feel better when you wake up tomorrow!! :)



  • I too have days like that. I'll be really hungry for breakfast, eat a little and be full for the rest of the day and have to make myself eat. At least I'm not just blindly shoveling food into my body but it is frustrating sometimes.

    Also, I get intestinal pain from the slightest amount of gas sometimes these days!

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