February 2013 Moms

Oh no he didn't....

I have two bosses. One who is a lifelong bachelor who will admit to not liking kids, but has been very nice and supportive this whole pregnancy. The other has two grown kids but will refer to them as his "leeches" and has always said pretty rude/sexist/racist stuff. For example, when I first told him I was pregnant his response was, "Did you plan this? This is really going to screw things up." Or last week's comment, "Anyone who thinks a woman should be in charge of anything has obviously forgotten high scool." This morning my legs have been tired and I'm just feeling exhausted. So I was setting a box of paper up under my desk to elevate my feet when he walked by. "Why do you need that? If anyone needs to relax, it's me. I'm the one with the bad knee." The thing is, the man is always complaining about something and to everyone (students, faculty, anyone who will listen) and while he is having surgery on it in a couple of weeks before LO arrives, I honestly wanted to throw my stapler at him.

Daisypath - (2EEx)

Lilypie - (CszI)



Re: Oh no he didn't....

  • Do you have an HR? I'd be reporting him. 
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  • I do have an HR. I brought it up with the dean (I work at a university and my immediate jerk boss is a program director who reports to the dean) and when the dean brought it up with him he denied it and then confronted me about being a snitch and not being adult enough to bring it up with him directly. I guess I could just skip over both of them and go directly to HR....

    Daisypath - (2EEx)

    Lilypie - (CszI)



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  • Indifferent

    I'd be talking to HR.  Those comments are so out of line.

    SAHM to DD1 (7), DS (5) and DD2 (1)
  • i get that he might not really appreciate the difficulties of pregnancy, but i'd absolutely be reporting him for that "women shouldn't be in charge of things" bs. what a tool.


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  • imageMBush4:
    I do have an HR. I brought it up with the dean I work at a university and my immediate jerk boss is a program director who reports to the dean and when the dean brought it up with him he denied it and then confronted me about being a snitch and not being adult enough to bring it up with him directly. I guess I could just skip over both of them and go directly to HR....

    I would just go to HR. He needs to know it's not ok to talk like that.
    TTC #1 since 11/10 | Diagnosed with PCOS 11/28/11 | Lap 1/20/12: stage 2 endo & cyst removal
    Clomid- No response
    Metformin 1500 mg Femara 5mg + Trigger + TI Round 2 = BFP!
    Beta 13DPO: 115, Beta 16dpo: 561 BFP Chart
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers

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  • I had one of my "bosses" tell me "Wow- you really filled out" and he wasn't looking at my belly.... 

    I had NO idea what to do with that one so I just walked away 

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  • imagemediaperuana:
    i get that he might not really appreciate the difficulties of pregnancy, but i'd absolutely be reporting him for that "women shouldn't be in charge of things" bs. what a tool.

    This. He's an adult, it's time to grow up! 

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  • Following your suggestions, I got in touch with HR and the ball is rolling to look into this. Enough is enough. Thanks for the push, ladies!

    Daisypath - (2EEx)

    Lilypie - (CszI)



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