February 2013 Moms

Could I be going into labor soon?

So this is my first pregnancy... and I'm 37 weeks and 4 days. Yesterday my doctor had stripped my membrane. They said I was 2 cm dilated. I had my bloody show about 3 hours later. Yesterday and today I've been having loose stools. Omg, please someone tell me I could be going into labor soon? :(
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Re: Could I be going into labor soon?

  • It really could go either way.  I've had loose stools for over 2 weeks now, menstrual cramping, nausea, backache, and still nothing!  Quite the opposite with DS, as I had no signs whatsoever until I was already in active labor.

    It's very common to bleed after an internal exam, especially after stripping the membranes.  Loose stools are an indicator that your body is preparing for labor.  When that is, no one can really tell you.  I had my membranes stripped with DS at 38 weeks when I was 3 cm and went into labor 2 days later.  I don't know if it was related or not.

    DD: 6/30/09. Mild pre-e DS: 9/5/10. Normal pregnancy Diagnosed 6/4/12 with dermatomyositis. Currently on Prednisone and IVIG therapy. 9/11/12: Normal a/s for DS2. No side effects from my medication, yay! DS2: 1/28/13. Thankful for healthy children! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker image
  • You could be!! With my first mine was stripped the morning of my 38 week appt and by 10:30 my water was leaking. Contractions started and by 5:30 I was headed to the hospital with them at 4 min apart. DD was born 10 am the next morning!!!
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  • With my 3rd baby I was 3 cm dilated at 36 weeks and everytime I had my membranes swept I had bleeding after which looked a lot like bloody show. I didn't go into labor until 40 weeks 6 days. The good thing was once labor started, it progressed quickly (4 hours) because I was already 3 cm dilated. It really is hard to tell since every labor is so different. Try to relax and pamper yourself before baby arrives. Best wishes!!   :)
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    "You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams." - Dr. Seuss
                         Mom to 3 wonderful boys( 6, 4, 20 months), and one little lady ( born 2/17).
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