Do you have an internal dialogue that is telling what sex your baby is?
Mine has been screaming boy. When I think of our LO, I keep thinking "it's Boden" Erilyn just doesn't feel right....
I just want to know if anyone else has strong feelings about this and how right or wrong we could be in the end....
(Team blue and team pink mamas can weigh in too, of course )
Re: Question for Team Green mamas!
Clomid- No response
Metformin 1500 mg Femara 5mg + Trigger + TI Round 2 = BFP!
Beta 13DPO: 115, Beta 16dpo: 561 BFP Chart
This is me as well except I'm team pink
We've been team green both times so far and with DS I knew he was a boy -- even at the end when I swelled like a tick and everyone swore I was having a girl. I have gone back and forth with this one which makes me think maybe it's a girl. Plus, every time we ask DS if it's a boy or a girl he says girl.
I guess we'll see soon enough. I can't wait
In the beginning I was saying I didn't have any indication, but to be honest, I have always had a little but of a lean towards girl.
I flip flop on the pronouns, but the feminine has been dominant for both me and my DH, and now I think, b/c I am thinking it will be a girl, it is probably a boy!
I'm almost positive I'm having a boy. Reasons: my bump shape is very similar to how it was with DS and I'm having a REALLY hard time seeing myself with a daughter. Ugh! That is terrible I know but I can't help it! This would also be the reason we can't choose a girl name.
Only 1 person has told me they think it's a boy. MIL thinks it a girl and so does DS but he's only 2 so what does he know?! Lol We ask him and he always says, "baby sister." No one else has made any guesses (apparently no one else cares!)
I will be SHOCKED if LO is a girl.
I was quite convinced this LO was a boy. Like, absolutely positive. I was very wrong! It's not like I really wanted a boy over a girl, just what I thought. I am so thrilled to be having a girl, though!
We actually had to have a few u/s after the initial 20 wk scan, so I like to say it's either a girl or a very unfortunate boy since we've had triple confirmation now
First round of Clomid in May 2012= BFP #1, DD born January 2013
BFP #2 in January 2014, DS born September 2014
At first all of my dreams had a boy in them, but more recently they baby has been a girl in my dreams. We have had a boy name picked out since I was like 7 weeks but we just decided on a girl name this week. So I really have no clue. My little sister, she's 4, says its a girl.. We shall see soon enough!