February 2013 Moms

Does your OB do a vaginal check as you get closer to your due date?

Hi Ladies,

I had my 38 week appointment yesterday and all is well! My BP is back to normal, no more protein was found in my urine, babies HB was 140-144 and not to mention I had a contraction while the doppler was on my belly. I'm praying Baby Christopher stays in until after next Friday but we shall see. I asked My OB if they do a vaginal check to see if I'm dilated or effaced but I guess they don't practice that due to the risk of infection and/or bleeding. So...how do they know if the contractions/BH I'm having are causing dilation? I guess I'm getting anxious but I was really hoping they would check.

What's your experience with or without the cervical check? 


Re: Does your OB do a vaginal check as you get closer to your due date?

  • My OB has done a check every week since I hit 35 weeks. May just depend on the Dr??

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  • I had my 36 week check this week and my doctor asked if I wanted her to check me or not.  I said sure, couldn't hurt.  But I had the option.



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  • My MW does not do them unless I request them. She said the same thing about infection, and she also said it doesn't give much of an indication of how close labor is so it doesn't matter.  I amsure I  will be curious as time goes on though!
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  • I am 38 weeks on Saturday and they haven't checked me either. I don't get the impression that they will. It probably just depends on the doctor
  • My ob did one at 36 weeks when she did the gbs test and will do one tomorrow at 38 weeks. I think she does them every two weeks... depends on doc.


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  • OB checks me weekly since 36 weeks.
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  • My clinic checks weekly from 36 weeks on.  You can decline the check, but I'm one that wants to know what's going on so I plan on letting them check everytime.

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  • You don't need to know dilation or effacement.  It means nothing at this point.

    My MWs don't even do internal checks during labor.  I delivered #3 without having a single cervical check.

  • From what I understand, it really depends on the doctor.  Mine won't do them until 38 weeks due to risk of infection, unless of course there's something unusual going on that he's concerned about.  I may or may not be able to opt out, but I'm too curious to know if there's any progress to bother asking about it!

  • Mine did at 36w because I said I had been having contractions. Otherwise he would've waited until 37-38w. Some do and some don't.
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  • My OB gives us he option at 36 weeks, when he does the strep test. He did say they aren't very accurate in predicting when you'll go into labor but some women like to know what's going on. I probably will do one when I get the test then waiting till I'm 40 weeks. Just my personal preference




  • I've been checked a few times, but that's because I was showing signs concerning for preterm labor at 33 and 34 weeks, and the OB wanted to know if there was cervical change in order to decide my plan of care. I got checked at 35 weeks as a follow-up to my hospitalization, and last week because he was doing the GBS anyway.

    I'm curious if the contractions I've had lately are causing change because I get tons of pressure with them, but in the long run it doesn't really matter at this point, so I'm okay either way with them checking or not. 

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  • My MW says a vaginal check is completely voluntary and not always necessary. She offered for when I come in for my 36 week and to do my Strep B Swab, but I declined the internal check. 
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  • I just had my 36 week appointment and she did the strep test, and then she said she would start doing vaginal checks next week - 37 wks- on out.

  • My Dr did one at 36 weeks along with the GBS swab. But won?t do anymore.

    I have a scan at every appointment so he has a look at my cervix then, which I prefer as it?s obviously much less invasive.I know any changes don?t signify that delivery is any closer and if he doesn?t update on my status I don?t bother asking.

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  • imagetdmd09:

    I've been checked a few times, but that's because I was showing signs concerning for preterm labor at 33 and 34 weeks, and the OB wanted to know if there was cervical change in order to decide my plan of care. I got checked at 35 weeks as a follow-up to my hospitalization, and last week because he was doing the GBS anyway.

    I'm curious if the contractions I've had lately are causing change because I get tons of pressure with them, but in the long run it doesn't really matter at this point, so I'm okay either way with them checking or not. 

    Pretty much same scenario for me, but I started at around 31 weeks. I've been going weekly since then, and they've checked maybe 3 out of the 5 times. Last time it was with the GBS swab and I was curious, since I'm being induced on the 6th. I contract like it's my job, all day every day, and I was a little frustrated to learn it has done almost nothing (totally closed but 50% effaced, which I have been since 33w) but at the same time, it's still too early, so I'm ok with all that :) not that it means too much! I think I'll probably skip being checked next week, but the 38w appointment will have to have one to see about the induction at 39w.  

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    You don't need to know dilation or effacement.  It means nothing at this point.

    My MWs don't even do internal checks during labor.  I delivered #3 without having a single cervical check.

    That is so interesting! I assume this was a natural birth? In the hospital I feel like they are constantly checking to make sure there's progress.

    Op - my practice starts internal checks at the 39 week appointment. Sounds like this varies a lot from doctor to doctor. 

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  • my doctor did a check at my appointment last friday (37 weeks) after i had my strep b test since i was already 'in the position'. there's been no mention of any more going forward though and i'm not concerned either way....i prefer to not do it simply because it means i don't have to take my leggings/pants/tights off and then put them back on.
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