Well I just am looking for any advice... I know everyone is different... But here is a little about what I'm going through....
im 36 and tried with my ex for about 12 years to get pregnant... Well we went through all the fertility issues in the beginning and I had surgery to unblock my tubes, etc.... Actually went through one artificial and were basically told I had a slim to no chance and if I ever did it was a strong chance to be ectopic....
Long story short.... Divorce... New boyfriend. My last period was December 23,2012. Recently started having bleeding and actually passing some clots... My sister asked if I could be pregnant because it sounded like when she went through a miscarriage. I said no way after so long.... Anyway called the dr the next day... Took a test at home... 2 different and both showed positive. Went in for bloodwork - 2 days later it comes back at 120... 2 days later.... More bloodwork and ultrasound... Dr said ultrasound didn't look very good, didn't see anything but he did see a cyst which he would see.... And my number only came back at 163. Back couple days later... Numbers only at 180.... He said numbers are going up but not like they should be.... Going back tomorrow for another ultrasound.... And checking numbers again on Monday.....
So my question is.... Has this happened to anyone? Low numbers and still have a healthy pregnancy? I'm of course preparing myself.... But I'm just so early that I guess I'm still holding onto some hope.... I won't even be 4 weeks until Sunday....
Ok so guess this was longer than I planned.... Sorry! And thanks in advance for any help! I'm SO inpatient so this is killing me!
Re: Need ANY help.... Never thought I would get pregnant....
Sorry you are going through this, can be very scary! I recently lost my baby and had a D&C yesterday at what should have been 12 weeks so I'm rejoining this board again, unfortunately.I didn't pass clots or have much more than spotting. My numbers were all good at my 10 week check up, but the u/s this week showed baby stopped developing at 9 weeks.
Only your Dr can tell you what is going on. GL to you.
BFP #2 5/7/13 EDD 1/14/2014 Ectopic discovered 5/21/13, lost left tube
Referred to RE, blood work done August 2013, AMH 0.27, all else normal, HSG clear
Thanks for the reply...... I just hope we can see something different tomorrow with the US....
and I am so sorry for your loss.....
So sorry that you are having to go through this. I can't even imagine. I will have you in my T's&P's for your u/s tomorrow.
Let us know how it goes. (hugs)